Diablo IV in less than an hour and a half

my body is ready.

Restart Bnet > Launch > Graphic Drivers are out of date!

From casually monetized to hard core mythic monetized?

You are welcome in advance lol. Not sure what fun bugs retail has these days. Classic has some prepared. Its jsut not a full and proper wintergrasp until the graveryard bugs out at least once (we get stuck in death limbo for over a minute) and a demo/cata/siege bugs out, more than once.

I have to enter the ā€œarenaā€ for this. I go on vacation right after real release. and 1 or 2 nights its getting that all prepped before release lol.

So I will level what I can to no be so far behind after that trip over.

May the odds be ever in your favor.

lol nah, login queues go

Itā€™s cuz they slowly did it and then add more and more to it.

I saw that players can even speed up the pass with $$.

Itā€™s been 30 minutes and the D4 forums are already on fire from impatient manchildren. lol.

Why are we still in 2023 acting like weā€™ve never experienced a launch day before.

Lemme go back to leveling my Rogue in Pandaria and mind my business.

But butā€¦they took the day off!

yeahā€¦donā€™t do that. for like any game that has an mmo base to it. That includes talking to servers even if ā€œsp gameā€. Talking to servers and needing persistent connection? Expect delays.

True SP games? Yeah you buy the preorder, get the days out preload. They jsut send/build in an unlock timer. the game works at X time on x day.

Like the zelda launch. Prerordered for my son. Preinstalled. and it jsut worked when he got home from school.

Have fun paying full price to beta test for me.

Iā€™m in weeeeeeeeeeeee.

Time to summon some skeletons!

my point is d3 looks better and plays better

I do love the series but havenā€™t actually gotten 4. Good luck and have fun to everyone else playing though :smiley:

Casually stands in line for 4 more days

I thought that wasnā€™t out until June 6?

Deluxe/Ultimate can play now. Got some words mixed up.

Oh good, please race through the acts as fast as you can guys and spoil the story on Youtube as FAST as possible, so I can find out what happens to Lilith.

I am disturbed the opening cinematic mentioned it as being the story of their downfall, implying Inarius and Lilith are both going to get killed, my hope is for Lilith to get banished somewhere like Sylvanas did in WoW insteadā€¦this is important to me.

I just donā€™t have time to play the game myself at the moment, I havenā€™t even finished Dragonflight yet.

Already finished it on hardcore, 6.5/10

ā€¦ Iā€™m not a youtuber. If youā€™re so desperate to spoil anything, then go use google a few times an hour until the first videos show up.

its not p2w like diablo immortal, except if you think cosmetics and or cosmetic armor sets makes you better rofl