I have to wait for PC launch at 10am Pacific/ 1pm Eastern. My phone won’t play it and that screen is too tiny.
It is a free to play game with MTX. That is not a secret so anyone playing should not be shocked.
However, you can do everything for free as well, just slower. I plan to play on PC using the free options, esp for the quests and story.
I really like the pick it up/put it down feeling of Diablo games and the graphics and combat are a lot of fun. Feedback on the gameplay so far is very good.
The negatives are almost all related to the existence of MTX. That is one of those “love it or hate it” kind of topics. Some people don’t care, and others feel strongly against it.
P.S. If anyone owns Diablo 3, log in today and there is a new “Diablo Immortalized” Achievement that grants cosmetic wings and a pet.
And here is a thread I made yesterday when the Mobile went live early. It has the links for all the resources like Tech Support, Discussion, and Guides.
I am not playing Diablo Immortal on a phone. My 52-year old eyeballs asked me not to.
I may give it a shot on PC, but… From what I understand it plays very similarly to Diablo 3 but with monetization. I already own Diablo 3 and really like it, and D3 doesn’t have monetization so… Why not just play that?
I gave it a go on my device but it was stuck at 30fps. My phone is too tiny to play on and I never play mobile games. But an hour play time on crusader was fun. I’m really impressed with the graphics and mmo feel of the game. I hope WoW gets something similar!
Well, after what Blizzard did to Hearthstone, I’m not playing another one of their mobile games, and they’re not releasing it for Mac, so I won’t be playing it.
Blizzard has really stopped being a serious game studio. I suspect WoW will be the last game of theirs I play.
You know, in another (now locked and hidden) thread you said your interactions with me have been positive since the beginning, but I have no idea who you are and have never seen you in game, so I’m not sure what you’re on about.
I plan to check it out on pc. Looks like fun. Not crazy about pay to win stuff, but as long as I can do everything for free (albeit more slowly), I can live with it. I may eventually try it on mobile, but I’ll need to upgrade my dinosaur phone first.
I tried it, it feels like D3 but on your phone with a shop. Honestly its going to be hard for ANY game to take my attention away from Fate/Grand Order, and its not looking like immortal is doing that any time soon.
Oh, that. Our guilds raided together in Vanilla I think and we are both still in a guild related private chat channel in game. You know me better on Belladona.
When they made me green 10 years ago I had to pick one posting character so picked this one. I did not want my guild dragged into anything forum related and most don’t have any idea what I do here. Makes everyone’s lives simpler.
Sorry for any confusion.
In this case, it may actually be better than D3 and I want to do the quest lines. I am interested in the story. I won’t be spending money I don’t think but I can do the whole thing without it.
I don’t have a compatible phone so will be playing PC when it releases in an hour or so.
I am not competitive. If I can kill stuff and do the quests then I am happy. I don’t need the best gear in order to enjoy a game.
I play WoW solo and rock my Cypher gear just fine
If I deleted Mirasol I would lose any forum group association this character is in. So MVP and CC as well as any trust levels that go with it. I would have to pick a different posting char and ask the program leads to put me back in the MVP and CC groups. My post history would also start all over again.
Flaws of the WoW forums being set up at the char level instead of Bnet level.
As for Bella, I am never deleting her! I have had that char as my main since the start in 2004.
I’m probably not playing. I have a Nintendo Switch with D2 and D3 already. Anywhere I am that I don’t have my Switch with me is a place that I can’t play games anyway, so there’s no point me downloading it to my phone at all.