Diablo. Any one trying it out?

I played the original version when it came out, and if Classic is any indication I won’t enjoy it, but Diablo 2 was a baller game.


Completely different circumstances and releases.


Well, I will be when I get home from work. Pre-ordered it and downloaded it early.

I will later after work.

I enjoyed it back in the day. I liked Diablo 3 too, but I did like the character building in 2 more. Always felt weird that I can swap builds on a whim really.

I hope the rebuild of 2 works out well. I would have played it more over the years but it got…bad. Just looking bad, running bad, just all around bad. It was not future-proofed well.

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Diablo 2 was fantastic…. 10 years ago. I finally got a PS5 I’ve got so many new games to play.


Different releases? What?

The only difference I can see is that I have a better version of WoW than Classic to play; I don’t have a better version of Diablo.

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I think he means what they are competing against with this release?

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I still don’t know why that’s relevant. I’m wondering if people are going to play it.

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Probably, but I doubt I’ll ladder.

More likely, I’ll play the game through a few times and then wait for Eastern Sun to be fully adapted.

It’s arguably the best mod ever made for D2, and some wonderful folks are fixing it up for D2:R.


I forgot about this. It’s just a ranking system, right?

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not 2, but i will probably be playing 4 when it comes out


I’m not saying I won’t play it, I did enjoy D2 back in the day.

But for right now, I am going to wait and see.


I was just playing it, although I’ve never tried the OG Diablo so my opinion is probably not that important…

I’m having fun with it lol. Graphics are nice (you can swap between old and new) and the new graphics are vastly better like woah, looks nice enough and runs really well too maxed out. I’m pretty excited to keep playing, I made a druid that turns into a skinny creepy werewolf lol.

Although by today’s standards the game feels “slow” in a way, but I don’t mind. It’s like a well done re-master unlike WC3 Reforged that’s for sure.

Thumbs up from me.


Because you compared it to the release of classic.

Did you play the free weekend? It is D2 with smother movement, better graphics, unlimited respecs (which I love), and all the females have been replaced with fruit.


If I recall (it’s been well over a decade since I played D2) it’s basically a ranked race to level 99.


Speaking only for me obviously, I’ve lost any taste for new releases from Blizzard, including the new D2.

My connection to WoW as it is hangs by a social thread (my friends go, I go).

I’m not picking up a re-hash of the great D2, after D3 (a decade ago!) was maybe the worst money I ever spent on a game, and much less after the lawsuit.

My money, my choice, not advocating anyone else follow suit, and I reserve the right to change my mind if Blizzard does make real positive changes, and I don’t mean by turning more things into fruit bowls.


If this is how people are taking it, I weep for the future. Just because I said “Classic” doesn’t mean you can ignore contexxt.

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In the case of the Amazon, a prune.


You didn’t just say “classic”, half of your single sentence post was based on classic and your concern that you will not like D2 because you did not like Classic. That is why people are telling you it is not the same situation.

Of course others have given more info (including me in the post you quoted) and all you seem to want to do is argue about people telling you it is not the same as classic WoW.


It is the same situation.

Classic was a game I’d played before, and it felt like more of the same.
D2 was a game I’d played before, and it could feel like more of the same.

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