DHs and RP

“Get a life, you stupid WrA losers”

proceeds to spend his time telling people how to play pretend on the internet and complain about how shapes are hard

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Heya! Good to see you too ^.^, It’s good to be back, even if it’s just on the forums for now.

I’ve always liked how you treated Aelyn. She was fun to write with in the couple forum RPs we were together, and the few stories I remember reading were done very well. Yours, imo, is an example of doing it right. :slight_smile:


I know navigating the forums is super hard. I’ve gone ahead and jotted down some directions for you. I think this is what you are looking for:

Safe travels buddy.



Because it’s the most active forum and where i post from makes 0 difference because i have a character on wra too…? this ain’t hard people

Also, it’s a shame to see the volume of lorebreakers and awful RPers is on the rise on WrA. It wasn’t like this a year ago. What happened? this is what I’m trying to find out and i’m starting to get answers from threads like these

I appreciate it :slightly_smiling_face: Aelyn is definitely one of my favorites to RP, the archetype I saw often when looking up ideas for DHs was Geralt. Which makes perfect sense, mutant monster hunter. So I got to thinking, what about Dante?

That was my impetus for Aelyndris, a cocky sarcastic devil may care DH. Shes obviously not all powerful and I wouldnt want her to be but her irreverent attitude was fun to play against my more serious characters like Saehri and Taalva.


I can not help you having opinions that are both garbage and objectively false and irrelevant.

What I can, and should, apologize for is giving you any attention to bounce off of.


This is so sad lol look how hard he’s trying.

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They’re facts that no one wants to talk about but it seems like the way things are now, and it’s because of people encouraging everyone to write whatever they want.

I might as well write my character as the lover of Sylvanas, elevating him above everyone else because of that status. I might fit perfectly on wra with that TRP with what I’m reading in this thread.

This whole temper tantrum because someone he doesn’t know said their DH absorbed a nethrezim.

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“Guys, the way you’re playing make believe is wrong! Only play make believe the way I say you should play make believe!”


Oh, he’s in this thread now.

Cool. Need my afternoon entertainment. Funny how he’s the one telling us that we need to go outside and I have way too much free time. I work from home bee tee dubs, my dude. I have 3 monitors and only work on one of 'em lol. In either case, it’s not like you really have any right to tell other people what to do.

You’re already doing what you want, and I bet you’re having a good time. Do people who don’t know their shapes just take out their aggression on everyone else or have some weird power trip or something? Geez.


“Telling people not to be restricted and badgered by arbitrarily drawn social lines over an already niche hobby filled with elitism and prejudice is making everything worse; an essay by someone unironically using phrases like incel”

I’m gonna be frank with you here. You should have been squelched after your first couple posts. Your attitude is what causes the decline in any communal structure, period, and Blizzard as the authority of the system are failing their customers and themselves by allowing such raw sewage to pump freely through their forums amd their chat logs.


To get back to the theead topic. Like DKs before them I think one of the most enjoyable aspects of DHs is that, for all intents and purposes, the hard part of their purpose is fulfilled.

Where do they go from there? How does the individual DH move on from that? What do they do with the current hostities? How do they handle former comrades potentially taking up arms against them?

For Aelyn, Teldrassil was a rough hit. Losing her companion like that put her in a bad state of mind and would likely have been disastrous for her had my Void Elf not happened across her at the time.

Like I said above, now she works deep cover for SI:7.


It’s a frustrating thing, I can understand. I can promise you that when you start to realize that we’re all in this virtual playground together, each and everyone of us here by choice, paying our own good money to be here, the closer you’ll come to accepting that each and everyone of us is responsible for our own enjoyment. Once you accept that you’ll start to have fun with these things. I promise you that much.

And if that’s what you’d enjoy then I say have at it. Go play and have fun. I have every right to ignore that TRP profile and simply not engage in RP with you, if it’s not something that I’d enjoy. Just because we run around the same sandbox doesn’t mean I’m obligated to validate your existence… so why should I expect anything less from you?

If I (hypothetically) write up a profile about a bastard Gnomish child of Varian that’s half black-dragon, and is also a lich, if that’s not your thing I certainly don’t expect you to validate my existence. Neither is there a need for you to (hypothetically) ridicule me for my choice of entertainment. We’re playing the same game. We’re literally in the same boat. You have as much control over the rules of this world as I do. We’re literally peers in this. So let those people have their space and move along. Go and have your own fun.

I agree. I rather like this aspect of them, more so now that Legion is over with. I’m interested to see which direction Vesthi’s character grows going forward. She has a lot of anger and bitterness to deal with, and things may not turn out so well for her… I fear.

edit: I feel like Aelyn and Vesthi need to have some story adventures together. I’d be interested to see how they’d work out together.

I feel like Vesthi and Aelyn would be really interesting together, that could definitely be a lot of fun.

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I never did have much luck with RP on my DH the few times I tried. I just assume he went back to the party van at this point. I shelved him anyway as I didn’t care for some of the class changes in BFA. He was never cool enough for a whole dreadlord though–he got stuck with a snarky satyr.

Sometimes, I get rather annoyed with Blizzard for making these heroic classes and then just dropping any further lore for them :expressionless:


“People are enjoying themselves and not hurting anyone! Weh!” What are you, a tiny child

(Referring to Soljeron, so there’s no doubt of my opinion)


Tangential, but who has it worse, in terms of trying to be an ordinary person?

A demon hunter with their physical differences and the demon in their head?


A void elf, with their physical differences and several contrary whispers in their head?

I dunno, we see normal void elves and don’t bat an eye. Seems to me demon hunters could try to live a normal life too, though they’d likely have some wariness attached in Night Elven society, at least. Blood Elven society is fairly open of fel and the like, though less than they used to be.


My DH, should I ever really play him, is a coward at heart who basically cheated his way into a demon’s power by being in the right place at the right time with the Illidari… Basically doing whatever he could to be one of the few out alive of whatever scenario he was forced into.

Partially because I found the idea of a demon hunter who was entirely self-serving and just pretended to be dedicated interesting, and partially as a way to make them “neutral” power level - they were relatively untalented and aren’t very intelligent, but with the addition of a ‘decent’ demon soul they can play the part of “big damn hero” almost believably.

As far as I’ve set them up so far, they basically pretend to be “wanting to be normal” when it suits them, and “illidari” when they need to be kept at arms length.

