DHKS during DMF

Alliance are jumping on horde alts and killing civillians in elwynn after joining dmf raids. 1 dhk = 45k honor for another week to get back to rank 7.
DMF Raids are dead now


Crusader Strike

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lol yeah. I’ve done that before.

Never joined DMF raids for that reason.

Why would you make a raid for darkmoonfaire anyway ?? what ??

Have a friend que you for a bg and take the buff when que pops. Cmon guys it aint hard.

i just did it today, living bomb is a dangerous spell but it sounds like pvp happened on a pvp server

racked up like 4 dhks

as much as i dont like griping about pvp happening on a pvp server, there is clearly an imbalance in the horde dmf and the elwynn dmf.

on the horde one you can do a pvp solution by forming a raid and getting the buff.

on the elwynn one you cant really do the same due to the ?? lvl guards and the dhk giving civilians right by the area.

at least the alliance could be honest about it .


guess youre discovering how terrible the devs are for making the game this unbalanced.

naw but it is an actual issue in terms of faction balance in pvp unlike alot of the other complaints.

but ya.

just don’t kill the civilians okay

Don’t group with people who are going to cause DHK’s. simple.

or they could remove dhks from the game like they should have 20 years ago.

They’ve had chances to do this prior to now, working as intended.

Non issue don’t raid civilian areas. Gut shamans, hardiness, every bg map design, every flight path and I’ll reevaluate caring. In the meantime enjoy the grind!

ya i hope you enjoy av when it comes out and the horde run scorched earth on the alliance every game and win 95% of all games.


you seem upset.

naw just tired of bs.

its cool.

“I get mad when people disagree with me online”

I hope it gets better for you.

sure thing.

more like i get tired when people try to trash the faction and class i play cause they are speaking from 4 metas ago back in p2 and wouldnt understand actual balance if it hit them in the head and called them sally.

or people failing to have any overall knowledge about balance on both sides and only pointing out their own disadvantages .

i have called out things on both sides that are busted including the classes/faction i play.

i am just tired of selfish people who have no clue about actual balance and just want to ruin their own and everyone elses fun.