DH ranged third spec

It’s time to make it happen. An easy way to open up DH to more races and add a new range spec to the game is to model the spec after the diablo demon hunter. It also has the benefit of adding variety to DH

Lorewise, they would not be illidari, thus not limited to elves. They would dual wield guns and crossbows. A double resource would be interesting but WoW seems to have moved away from that so it would like just be similar to havoc

Why do you people keep asking for a 3rd DH spec…

You want demon Hunter Diablo III style? Play a marksman Hunter with a crossbow


I wonder what abilities they’ll take away for it to happen.

Also, demon hunters time is over

Legion is dead, we have no reason to have demon hunters now. Their lore is now dead like how death knights were when Cataclysm hit

DH’s are for more irrelevant than DK’s… DH’s were literally trained and designed to fight demons and for the last xpac.

Just because DK’s were introduced in LK doesn’t mean they were for the LK. They can still be raised, even now. People still die. Hell, paladins were used more to fight the LK than DK’s were. All the light vs. LK, Tirion, Bolvar… Idk, paladins seemed more central the DK’s lol.

The only DH that matters got left behind in the last xpac. DK’s however, could still play a role if Blizz would let them.

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In all honesty here, from the lore established in legion we were already introduced to a third spec. Allari the Souleater, remember?

She’s the only illidari whom we’ve seen use a sythe as a weapon in the fel-hammer, as she’s essentially the warden for our imprisoned demons (aka our demon slaves) which you can honestly build a 3rd spec based around her character and it won’t break anything in the lore already established.

Have a look at my thread here. This explains all of these questions and common refutes. This is the backstory I use for my gnome demon hunter and guild. This backstory would work especially well for goblins and gnomes.
I’ll summarize why and how demon hunters can be possible as follows:

  1. Not apart of the Illidari, but an unknown secret organization that had been working to bring down the burning legion all along that utilizes soul harvesting technology.

  2. They utilize demon soul harvesting technology to gain power from demons, but never absorb demon souls directly into their body for safety. Goblins and Gnomes being intelligent. They could perfect this technology.

  3. The many worlds that the burning legion conquered still exist and their vast armies of demons still pose great threats. Someone from these vast conquered worlds could try to rise up and control the legion like Sargeras did? Demons still exist and pose a very strong threat in the world. Its just that the organization directing their goals has been dismantled.

  4. Demon hunters can fight all kinds of other threats. Demons can come in many forms. The fundamental thing you need to realize is that demon hunters were doing what they needed to stop one of the greatest threats to all of existent. If any such threat showed up elsewhere, they could do the same.

This explains how demon hunters could be possible for pretty much any race to become a possibility if blizzard wanted them to become such.

We don’ t need a third talent spec. If anything we could use some attention on our tanking spec…

Yaa…, Blizzard needs to first fix MM hunters before they can give DH a range spec. Currently MM is in a bad spot, it is sad how it turned out this expac. They have a hard time trying to even fix it.

I don’t care if we “need” it. I want it. If you don’t, then don’t play it when it happens

The “don’t play it” argument ignores the fact that there are better ways for the development team to spend their time. Sure if everything else in the WoW is done and nothing else needs to be fixed, sure knock yourselves out.

No, too many other specs will have to be strip mined.

Let me use a bow and shoot magical chi to heal people and we got a deal.

That’s just it. There’s never going to be a time when nothing needs to be fixed, classes have never been perfectly balanced, etc. so… if they decide to make a third spec, who cares? And if you’re worried about classes being stripped… well that’s going to happen anyway as well.

I’m not sure why people dont want a 3rd DH spec. I think we can all agree that we need a new ranged spec. This is an open niche that we can fill with the DH as well as opening the class up to more races.

It may also be easier to balance. Right now DH is extremely good. Havoc is top tier in all content. DH can be better balanced if some of the weaknesses and strengths be better separated and defined.

I dont think other classes would beed to be stripped either. MM hunters would be the closest thing to this and the difference between that and a range DH spec is like the difference between arms and fury.

But why?

So play a DH in D3.

Sounds like you don’t know what you’re talking about and want to ruin DH.

Or we could just have a ranged spec :slight_smile:

And so could I.

Just give warriors a big cannon to carry around.

While we’re at it we should give Priests a melee spec. Lord knows they aren’t doing anything with shadow right now.

Sounds good to me! I like the way you think :grin: