Dh or hunter lf guild

419 havoc looking for a guild that raids Sun-Fri around 9-10pm st n/h . Been playing since right before bc came out , took a break from raiding when bfa came out and looking to get back into it. Not looking for anything hardcore or to be carried . Also have a pally,hunter and druid at 120 but they are all around 390 to 400 ilvl. Also looking to start pushing m+

Tired of running with scrubs? Wish you could raid with the Elite? Want to get geared for free and have a guaranteed spot each week? Well, that’s not us, but we are recruiting anyway. Whisper any member for an invite.

we are forming a heroic raid group right now. and we push keys every week

Hi Natas! Asylum of Azeroth is currently recruiting for Heroic Palace. We don’t currently have set raid nights; we currently practice flex raiding and want to wait until we have a full raid roster to commit to set days. Our members are also into pushing M+ keys (we’ll always get you at least a 10 for the week), arena, and achievement grinding/alt leveling. We’re recent transfers from a dead server and are a friendly, close-knit group. We’d love to have you join us. You can message battletag Neonlight#11788 (our guild master) or myself (Colin#1601) if you have any questions.

Ruined Immersion raids one day a week (Sat) from 11:30am-3:30pm (EST). We do mythic keys, island expeditions, and various other things throughout the week. As a bonus during raids one of our tanks has players roll at half time for 100k gold and whoever wins gets it.

Hey Natas! Zuglife (8/8H) is looking for a few more dps to fill some gaps in our roster for Mythic progression! We raid a bit earlier than the times you mentioned 7-10pm EST, but would love to have you if you’re interested! Feel free to reach out to me here or in game if you’d like to chat!