DH needs dev attention

Every class got updates during beta except DH. And now, we see every class receiving more updates while Havoc DH only gets one hero talent updated. It’s a great change, but where is the rest?

Speaking from Havoc PoV, our talent tree is horrendous. It’s littered with 2-point nodes and quite frankly badly designed talents. Why is cycle of hatred not passive? Why does shattered destiny still exist? Why does critical chaos still exist? Why is mortal dance still not baseline? Why is isolated prey still bugged? Why is every optimal build still forced to play initiative? Why do we have so few pvp talents compared to other classes? Why is fel barrage still bad for now the fourth expansion in a row?

When is DH going to receive the same updates every class aside from us has gotten and are still getting?


This is just early notes

The class has no developer. Pretty sure Blizzard has said in the past they would rather wait to make changes to someone who understands the classes strengths and weaknesses before making changes.

Basically, we’re going to be playing awful until next expansion most likely.

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And when nothing else gets posted this will change to “it’s just a .5 patch you’ll get changes in 11.1”


Yeah maybe or maybe there will be some demon hunter changes I guess, who knows. But it is still early and they could change.

Rip DH. :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:

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“Every class”

Havoc has been the least fun DPS spec since Shadowlands. It’s not Blizz fault, you have a toxic Discord that demands the spec continue down these weird paths.

If anything they should ignore the DH community and come up with their own vision. Garbage spec.

They pretty much did ignore the entire dh community all of Dragonflight and tww. The only feedback that was ever given regarding issues was “just don’t pick those talents if you have issues with them”


The whole sinful brand situation and the EB/Momentum/Glaive playstyle was driven by the main theorycrafters in the class discord.

The legion and BFA versions of Havoc were intended to be easy and tanky. They’ve taken that design goal and just thrown it out the window because the developers let the Discord community dictate the direction of the spec.

Because they don’t want us playing Fel Barrage… Also I don’t see what the problem with the class is now, it seems to be fine to me. And Ive been playing it since Legion. Ive been thru all the mud.

this is straight up a lie, but go off. the discord actively fought against venthyr havoc cause it existence threaten the literal 4 builds havoc had in sod that appealed to everyone.

yalls obession with this classcord is just worrying, im sorry you cant blue parse and still be 1k dps away from a 99 anymore. im sorry that the spec isnt 2 buttons anymore. im sorry you cant fathom a actual rotation

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There are a million threads about this topic. The entire EB/momentum “mover” playstyle was pushed by FH.


you know sd and cycle sims higher right?

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Where can I apply to be the class dev?

Don’t worry they forgot about dh in the next build for this patch too


another week with no communication, no updates, no nothing for DH. crazy seeing multiple specs, classes, and hero talents getting massive reworks, and then the class which was by far the most ignored during alpha and beta continue to get nothing.

nobody is working on this class, and you can’t convince me otherwise


I’m starting to believe they’re actively avoiding this class.

There’s surely no way they think at the very least, Aldrachi Reaver is in a good spot when better hero trees of other specs are getting reworks.


Is this why it took them 18 years to rework retribution and 20 years to rework paladin?

As fae as I know blizzard said there are no class specific devs, its more like teams take on different clssses on different times. I dont believe that.