DH Mortal Dance

DH defenses are terrible, and that talent doesn’t make any sense outside PVP, no one use netherwalk, CD horrible, darkness is a joke with 5min… pfff… and just random chances of not been hit… blur … 20% reduction…/ 50% hit… again all about RNG on DH =(

I kinda like that these talents are in the tree now! Gives us options now for pvp talents.

Spec talents are more valuable than pvp talents. There’s a reason everyone continued to play it as a pvp talent for the first phase of pre-patch instead of using mortal dance in the spec tree.

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What? Every high end pvper uses netherwalk
And you can reduce the cd of darkness to 3 min with the talent.

again, is a chance talent, as i hail Mary… compared to all the other classes that give exact what you click.
30% hp back, shield with X hp for y secs…

DH is a maybe you survive, maybe who knows… really bad defensive skills.