Hi, how’s it going? I returned about a month ago after AOTC CN and I am in the process on gearing up my new DH main and would love to find my long term home. I am a tank main which has basically forced me into pugging everything I do and want to change that. I am willing to play havoc, but my overall goal is to become a main tank/off tank for a raiding guild. I am a M+ junkie and have pugged S3 KSM on my prot pally, almost 2500 on my bdk, and 2k on this new DH. I do keys constantly and it would be great to find consistency throughout dungeons. . As far as raiding goes I would LOVE to get into mythic progression and continue growing as a player even though I’ve never had to opportunity to even try. I log everything and I am constantly trying to adapt and improve. I like to theorycraft and play my style and even though guides are great and help tremendously I like to try different things and think outside of the box and understanding my class is key and without experimenting I am not learning.
My ideal WoW family would be welcoming and NOT cliquey…let’s face it being the new bro sucks and trying to break into a clique makes things awkward and uncomfortable for everyone. I am open to weekdays from 8-midnight EST, server transfer is definitely an option but would like to stay horde but not a requirement and would like to weigh all options. Please drop a message here with contact info so we can start chatting! Oh and apologies for formatting, I am on my cell. Look forward to hearing from ppl!