DH legendary darkest hour appears to have completely shut off. It is not working in anything. Please fix
SoS please fix blizzard, im being murdered by rogues and paladins more than usual.
mine not working as well and seems colective anguish not healing anymore wtf is worng with that blizzard dh is allready super squishy
Please fix! SoS
Same not working here
same here but is it only in pvp ?
Mine is not working as well for both PvP and PvE
Not working for me either in any mode
Can confirm this is not working in anything other than torghast right now
This needs blizzard attention ASAP. I started a thread myself and have submitted bugs in game. DH is essentially unplayable in competetive PVP without this
Also not working for me - this is a major issue seeing that a rogues cheap shot is more than enough time to kill us and we only have one trinket.
DH on the menu boys. Can they get a little love? Already universally regarded as the weakest class or even unviable in pvp.
Absolute essential for a DH to survive many comps in arena. Please fix this quickly.
Bump - DH already requires high awareness and skilled use of mobility to survive, without this it’s just one more easy stun kill opportunity. Please fix.
Start working today
Collective Anguish Legendary (Fel Devastation) not healing since Tuesday’s reset either.