DH is still not good

Pretty much… isn’t the current popular strat for dh to spam blood moon hoping to get a demon soul that lines up with cds to chunk?

Ive only seen them played around outlasting people now.

Can’t really spam blood moon since it’s got a cooldown with your dispel but that’s one way.

DH genuinely does some good damage right now, soul fishing or not.

It just isn’t randomly bullet proof, doesn’t have a bleed that ticks for 5% of your HP, and doesn’t do 70% of your health in an EB DS, so it’s current design around EB makes the whole thing kinda lacklustre, and then stuff that counters you (frost mage, BM/mm hunter, rogue) are all OP rn so it feels bad.


More or less been my experience. Im a very… peculiar pvper? I enjoy it but my main goal is to just hit 2400 for mog.

Ive played dh through df and while im fairly certain I can still hit elite with the class its old weaknesses seem magnified.

I keep bouncing back and forth between it and a dk now that ive the weapon illusion. Dk might win out… im just tired of hitting bad comps on dh where I know im gonna struggle before the gates even open ( love ya rogues but you do not mix well with havok)

I picked up arcane mage and dev/aug to fill my time on the dps side and have been enjoying them instead of DH since about mid dragon flight (arcane mage only this expansion tho).

DH just feels depressing sometimes because you know certain games are just going to be trainfests where if you don’t play out of your mind you’re going to get bulldozed.

If you’re ever interested in a healer, give Hpal a try. Been enjoying that recently. Rotationally fun and has CD’s to keep a lot of people up.

Did the holy pally thing in df. Orginally just to farm conquest boxes off quick queues to feed my dps toons. Managed 2100 though priests when they get to around that rating excert so much pressue it gets difficult to play around.

Dk has been fun. Might try hunter out but I find range more annoying then fun in pvp will likely go warr.

Warrior is an exercise in patience and humility right now since frost mage is strong.

But good luck!

Is that why there are so many terrible mages everywhere?

Had one that sent meters to me showing he casted sheep 51 times across six matches… it took me a solid minute to realize he thought just spaming sheep meant he did good. Guy did about 200k in his best match.

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A true genius. He studied the blade (polymorph) while you were out having fun (killing people).

Its been a wacky season… that was in a 2kish rated solo game so on some level it must of worked for him.

Don’t even get me started on rbgs… ive never gone up and down 900 rating like a pogo stick before.

I love my 5 losses into 8 wins that randomly spike my MMR to 2400 then back to 5 losses.

It’s so wild.

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Once again, it’s not about “accidentally winning”

It’s about having a chance vs anything if you play good and getting punished if you don’t

When you press the glorified War Breaker (Essence Break) combo, you don’t take more than 20% of people’s HP (at best, oftentimes much less)

When you press The Hunt, a 90s CD, you hit people for 8 to 10% of their HP

Do those numbers seem normal for 45 / 90 second CDs of “burst”? Let’s see how many people answer this question honestly while spamming Frostfire bolts for 1m+ endlessly, Aimed shots and Ferocious bites for 1-2m, etc

At the current iteration Havoc gets punished for just simply logging in and pressing queue

And arguements that somebody reached 1600 fast or something is gaslighting at a crazy degree, if this is an arguement for being viable I might as well queue up a Guardian Druid


Ah yes, the totally not overpowered specs that people haven’t been clamouring for nerfs for held in in reference to how lacklustre your own damage is.

If the final hit of your EB DS is 1.2m there’s like 4 other hits totalling it over 2m damage which isn’t a bad hit considering eyebeam also slaps right now.

DH last season got its kill power from essence break death sweep making you just disappear from the game and being extremely easy to pull off. Now that it’s not that you’re whining about how hard it is.

DH does decent damage, it doesn’t have any untowards burst right now (which is healthy for the game). The issue is some stuff is overtuned in comparison so you feel bad despite not being bad. Spriest, Aff, mm, frost, and feral all need nerfs in either defensive or offensive power, sometimes both. Holding yourself up to them and going “de profundis clamavi ad te domine” is just setting yourself up for disappointment.

Then you’re doing the combo wrong.

Casted and locks both damage schools if kicked.

Caated with two charges and 1/2 your resource bar.

Which you need to have bleeds up for and build combo points to do damage.

Feels to me like dh, arms, boomy, and ret paladin are all in this spot of being “totally fine and good in some scenarios” which is what most classes SHOULD look like. It’s just that other classes like sp/aff/frostmage and feral/rogue are a tier ahead still.

That being said, which the exception of feral and sp, I think it’d be better to buff the other classes and nerf max HP so everything is more lethal; the game is WAY easier to balance when every class can punish and kill and NO spec is immortal.

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Keeps complaining about overtuned specs. Yea we know op specs beat everyone else including dh. Nerf those and we are good

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That will simply create a new meta with other specs. Which will also not be DH either. You can swap out your villains but still be a street npc instead of the hero

As ive said. There will always be a meta, a best spec. And most cimments here have been complaints about the op specs right now (rightfully). The issue is specs at the top cant be 10-15% better than the second or third best. Thats what you wanna balance.