DH - Icon - Sigil of Doom (Hero Talent Tree Fel-Scarred)

When using the Hero talent “Demonic Intensity”, from the “Fel-Scarred” Hero Talent Tree for DH, the icon for the spell “Sigil of Doom” — the empowered version of the “Sigil of Flame” spell when casting Metamorphosis — DOES NOT have a different icon for it, unlike the other spells empowered by Metamorphosis via the same Hero Talent “Demonic Intensity”.

the icon isn’t the only issue. the ability does not work at all if precise sigils is trained. funny thing is, if you set a macro up for sigil of doom, the macro will show the icon, but only when metamorphosis is activated. it’s wild this got through testing, did no one try out havoc dh at all during the entire beta/pre-patch?

You’re right, there are other issues with the spell

Blizz, fix it, pretty please?

im running into the same issue on my DH