DH Fel Lance

I wish I could link an SS of it, but can we talk about how the incredibly skill-based and complex class known as Demon Hunter can have 30% of their overall damage as Fel Lance?

You’re literally immune to melee and most ranged that are not directly under you during it, and it’s 1 button. Why does it do so much damage?


Better off not trying to make sense out of anything DH related.


They have to commit to it, so I guess that is why its so damaging. I think they should be vulnerable to cc while they do it. Makes it high risk and high reward. You can fly up and do good damage or you can fly up and get cced.

You can be cc’d during it and you can just line it.


Ranged CC only actually and there’s a lot of places where you can’t line it, especially if you’re being CC’d or 70% slowed by chains in the ever-popular DH/DK comp.

Your point is completely invalid for why it does so much damage.

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It’s % of health. That’s why it hits hard.

10% bonus damage for screaming “I will not be touched by rabble such as you,” every time they use the ability.


Cmon don’t hate Dh they’re the only flying class on top of being unkillable let them do 20k dps aswell


DHs are stupidly op and awful to play against?

Better nerf disc priests.


Of all things to complain about, this ain’t it chief

Most ccs are ranged though. I suppose it can changed so they are not as high and fall slower so that way you get more range for the ccs. Being cced while the dh is flying would be a bit of counterplay by the dh’s team mate to counter your attempt at countering the dh.

Also like to state that I thoguht they couldn’t be cced while in flight and my suggestion to make them cc’able was simply a suggested mechanic to open them up to counter play and not a suggestion on how to play against them in its current state.

Or, we can nerf the amount of damage it deals because the mechanic itself doesn’t really cause issue it’s the amount of raw damage the ability does.


It definitely is over tuned and needs to be nerfed.
For others saying cc it, you have to be in Los meaning you’re eating at least 2 of the lances because that’s how many you can get in before someone can possibly get a cc on it because of the range.
Dh is definitely busted and needs either
A. Brought down a few notches or my personal favorite
B. Removed


You wouldn’t enjoy cycloning a dh in the air because he had go up there for reasons? He can’t stop you from it happening either. Personally I get a good laugh killing them when they do it vs ranged. They think themselves safe from my magics but in reality im in a way better position because I can do more damage they can and they can’t stop me from doimg so. Also its damage isnt all that great since its like 7% health damage. I can do way more than 7% of their health per second if they fly up and let me free cast on them. With all the self heals or just having healers makes its damage much less impactful.

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Batman is back!

Pls turn off handicap mode.

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Toolkit, mobility, damage, and defensives for DH is absolutely crazy atm. Would like to see defensives cds heavily nerfed, blade dance dodge removed, leech removed as well as higher Fury costs for stuns.

On top of that idk why DHs even have VR. It’s literally a copy paste of mop hunter disengage glyph with a 70% slow making it a better disengage than hunters (the class that’s supposed to kite) as the 5th backup after they make a half dozen mistakes behind a pillar to prevent punishment.

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Well they fly out of reach of their healer as well for a short time so if you DO happen to under them and range its kinda nice

Remove one of their stuns too, or elongate the cooldown of one so that every time they get me in rift they can’t double stun to keep me in with zero penalty because the stun is up again seconds later. (Speaking from Hpal perspective).

DH needs a serious nerf though. It’s awful to queue into, even when you beat them. It’s just not fun.

Go line it in ruins of lordaeron :slight_smile:

I do tend to agree, people who comment on pvp balance with an honor level of 7 do need to be removed.

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