DH buffs and the lack of love

Where is our tuning?
It’s been over a year.
We do awful single target damage.
We have awful sustained.
We do mediocre AOE damage for 15 seconds, every 2 minutes.
We have some of the worst defenses in the game. One is on a 5 minute cooldown.
We suck at 3s and have only 6 DH above 2400.

We finally get some adjustments and it’s 4 lines of laughable 20% buffs to auto-attack damage and immo aura.

Monk’s got a page of 100% buffs to major rotational abilities and I’m sure have jumped from being simply better than us, all the way into the S-tier

Blizzard, if you are going to continue to ignore us… can you at least give us some cosmetic stuff?
Give us a reskin of dracthyr’s soar and let us fly around in havoc meta or the old warlock meta.
Give us felstalker dreadlocks or claws/hooves/permanent wings.
Give us some form of metamorphosis customization in barbershop like moonkin form or at least like warlock pets


Part of me doesn’t know why blizzard can’t just make some sort of A I. That auto tunes all the classes to be more in line with each other. Don’t rework abilities or class identity or anything but have an algorithm that keeps track of all healing /dmg/dmg mitigation for multiple key ranges 1-10 / mythic/heroic raids. If the algorithm detects a 10% disparity or more of heals per whatever from all the healing specs then automatically adjust various healing talents until the disparity is rectified within a 3% gap of whichever specs it’s analyzing. That way no class identity is being tampered which you are just artificially tuning the raw numbers of whatever talents affect healing in this case until the algorithm detects its good enough to close the 3% gap probably though various simulations.

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The problems with DH are something fundamental that can’t be fixed with some ability tuning.


How is that possible. If it lacks damage by x% which is why it’s not as competitive by its peers why couldn’t an algorithm run simulations until x% gap is closed?

I hear you brother
Could also have an in house, proprietary AI whose job would be the do the lion’s share of the tedious work updating old zones. Re-texturing the trees, foliage, rocks, ground etc. then you’d only need a couple devs to go behind it and correct minor mistakes and polish its work. And… it’s an AI so it’ d get better the more it’s trained.

But who are we to apply thought when the old dart-board method they use for tuning has garnered such success

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The problem with DH has more to do with that ungodly 19 ability deep rotation. DH damage is fine… for a much simpler spec. And I’m guessing the class is so complicated that Blizzard can’t adequately test it to make sure they’re not accidentally making Havoc the best DPS spec in the game.

If the problem is button bloat than just advocate for a simplification of its damage rotation and case is solved.

I know it needs major reworks, but some adequate tuning would go a long way towards making us more competitive until they can get to it.

Defensive are our most glaring issue.
Darkness needs to be more effective or shorter cooldown or just do something completely different. Move with the DH. A static zone works like crap on a movement based spec.
Nether needs to be immune to stun or press-able while stunned.
VR needs to be able to break roots.
Etc etc

I’m in the minority I’m sure, but I don’t hate the complexity of our rotation or the number of buttons in our kit. I’d get bored playing a fury warrior.
I just want the skill ceiling to feel worth the climb and us to do meaningful damage again. We are so easy to derail in PVP with a single stun. We should be deadly if we can manage to get off the full rotation inside the 4 sec burst window we have