I have 7 toons at 80. Two tanks, 5 DPS. I’ve noticed for two weeks now, my DH alt (who is 80), takes about 20-30 minutes to get into a queue. I can switch over to my warlock, my hunter, my mage, and get in within 2-10 minutes. It started last week, I noticed cause I was in a queue for a long time, while my friend, who was also farming TW as a DPS (though not level 80), was getting insta pops. He did 4 while I was still waiting for one. I switched to my warlock, got a 2 minute queue pop.
Right now I’m in queue, it says average wait time is 6 minutes, I’ve been waiting 16. Queue before this said AWT was 4 minutes, I waited 32.
Any help or knowledge is appreciated.
Edit and move this to the bug reports nothing can be done here.
Is it a bug? I dunno. That’s why I posted it here first.
Well, simply put, we don’t have any input on how the que times are for any given moment. If you think something isn’t working right, the bug reports forum would be the place to report it.
Thanks, moved it to Bugs.
This is indeed a bug I believe and there have been users - including myself - reporting this issue since the end of the 20th anniversary event. I am not sure of any reports prior to this.
I’ve experienced it on only my DPS toons which are 80 - those that I am levelling haven’t seemed to have any issues so far. Absolutely no issues on 80 tank/healer toons.
It did first start on my DH, though, then swapped to Rogue and it did the same, trying the other classes it’s done the same. It has happened randomly. Sometimes I have no issues on the 80s getting normal queue times that align with the estimated times - with the random one, often later in the day, where it is obnoxiously off the time - with times where it has popped at the estimated time and then someone else declined only to then sit in queue for an hour + following it - sometimes giving up and swapping toons where it will at times continue the trend and other times pop at the estimated time without issue.
It feels so random and it is very odd.
See mine doesn’t appear to be random. I’ve been on my DH for 3 hours, I’m just now about to do my 5th TW whenever teh queue pops. ETA 7 minutes, Time in Queue 12 minutes so far. So I got another 20 minutes to wait I assume.
I can bet you I can switch to another DPS toon and get instant pop. This has only been effecting my DH.
I finished my DH Queues, switched to my warlock who is on the same server, queued and got a pop within 5 minutes.
Switched to my rogue on the same server, also 80, ETA says 9 minutes, but been in queue for 15. I rarely play her so I never noticed if she has longer than normal queues.