DH 380 , Warrior 375, Rogue 375, 8/8 H 2/8 M LF Guild

Hello, i’ve been raiding a few nights on the weekend but the raiding times are later. I prefer an earlier raid schedule that doesn’t end at 1130pm EST. leading into workday. I prefer the latest on a workday/weekend to be 11. I prefer to play dps, i’ve been dps’ing since BC and that’s where i’m focused. I’m looking for a guild who likes to run and progress for mythic keys, chill out, tell jokes etc and also likes to progress with descent raid times a few times a week. i’m looking to raid 2 nights a week. I do have a life outside of WoW with kids, work etc. but i’m normally on a few hours a night trying to run keys, gear up toons, random stuff. Right now i’ve been playing the Rogue and Havoc DH heavily, and i’ve left the arms warrior sitting.


Hey Thunderbeams, I sent you a battlenet request. Distinct Advantage has a need for a DH or Rogue both are high value targets. we raid t/w 7:30-11pm 3/8 Mythic currently. Hope to hear from you soon.

I manage these rosters if you may find yourself looking off realm. I also run the recruitment discord with 6500+ people. https://discord.gg/vN2sWsB I can probably recruit outside of the wants, but apply and I can talk it over with raid leaders to verify. ALWAYS CONSIDERING EXCEPTIONAL RAIDERS.

Astral on Turalyon: 8/8M CE, 11/11M CE
Tues/Wed/Thurs 9pm-12am EST

  • Needs: COMPETITIVE SPOTS. Just apply if you are interested.
    Application: https://www.astralguild.com/forums/app/

Basic Guild on Mal’Ganis: 7/8M, 11/11M CE
Tues/Wed/Thurs 9pm-12am PST (12am-3am EST)

  • Needs: Spriest & Warrior
    Application: https://goo.gl/r9gbJD

Impetus on Turalyon: 5/8M, 11/11M CE (I just picked this roster up, reworking it atm)
Tues/Thurs 9pm-12am EST

  • Needs: 2 Ranged (Boomkin, Hunter, Warlock, Ele Sham or Mage)
    Application: http://bit.ly/impetusapplication
    HEROIC TRYOUTS SAT @ 9PM EST. Add Nicklrac#11390

Legend on Turalyon (Weekday): 7/8M, 11/11M CE
Tues/Wed 9:30pm-12:30am EST

  • Needs: COMPETITIVE SPOTS. Just apply if you are interested. Also considering a new raid lead or co-raid leader for next tier.
    Application: https://goo.gl/PGqh9r

Legend on Turalyon (Weekend): 6/8M, 11/11M CE
Sat/Sun 9pm-12am EST

  • Needs: COMPETITIVE SPOTS. Just apply if you are interested.
    Application: https://goo.gl/PGqh9r

Warsong on Turalyon: 3/8M (I just picked this roster up, reworking it atm)
Saturday & Sunday 1pm-4pm EST

  • Needs: Mage, Warlock, Hunter, Elemental Shaman w/OS heals and one Mistweaver Monk.
    Application: https://warsong-turalyon.wixsite.com/guild/application
    HEROIC TRYOUTS FRI @ 8PM EST. Add Pandatoons#1346

If you have questions, feel free to contact me: Sieara#1968 (btag) or Sieara#6473 (discord, easiest way to find me). I have a very organized roster overview as well if you have questions or concerns about the roster, how large, etc. The rosters are here: https://goo.gl/87ncRt

Hey Doci, I’ll be on later after work. I’ll add you , and shoot you a message later.

thank you for the posts

Forgone Conclusion 7/8 H is a casual progression/social guild on the high population horde dominated server Thrall! We are currently recruiting to round out our roster and enlarge our social population. We are looking for people who are interested in raids, Mythic + and socializing with the awesome community we already have.

The guild is lead by two friends who have been playing together since BC, and supported by a team of officers with experience including cutting edge mythic content, various levels of PVP and Mythic +. The guild was founded with the intention to bring fun into the game again rather than it being a job while still enjoying the experience of new content with a group of friends.

Our raid team currently is seeking:





We are looking for one more healer, and more DPS to add to the main raid group. We will always consider any player regardless of current needs, and will gladly accept any social players or M+ players.

Raids are held Wednesday and Thursday from 7:30PM-10:30PM EST, with the option of another clean up day or alt run if the membership agrees.


Ok thanks !

Still looking

Guild: Winginit
Faction : Alliance
Raid Times: Tuesday and Thursday 8:00-11:00 PM EST
Progression : 8/8 Heroic 2/8 Mythic
Contacts : Wham-Madoran (bnet Geistreiter#1719)

Right now our needs are basically everything, with high demand for DPS, a healer (shaman or some type a priest preferred) , and a DPS with tank offspec (willing to tank basically). However, exceptional applicants are always welcomed!
Winginit formally Sad Panda is looking for DPS and a Healer to round out our raid roster and push further into mythic this tier and beyond.
We raid Tuesday and Thursday nights from 8 - 11 PM eastern time. Currently 8/8 Heroic. 2/8 mythic and working on Zek’voz.
We’re a friendly guild and are willing to help gear people if you are willing to put the time in and raid with us! We aren’t looking for top parsers or anything like that, just people that can do mechanics, learn from mistakes and pull their own weight.
We provide flasks and food on raid nights, and if you would like to contribute to the effort of the feasts or cauldrons it is appreciated, but not required.
At one point Sad Panda was a top raiding guild on the server, however, due to burnout and general life things, the guild fell apart and we are now rebuilding. We have a core of 16-17 people but could use 5-6 more to really round out the roster and make it a bit more competitive. We are currently struggling to find people on the server who are looking to push into mythic and people who can pull their own weight.
We run mythic keys on off nights and there are generally people on to help with whatever your needs are.
Thanks for taking the time to read, we look forward to hearing from you!

Yo, we totally get the life outside of WoW. We like to balance between the two as well! If you want to give us a quick look through, we could possibly be a good fit for you.
Hit us up :wink:

Current Progression: 8/8 H, 2/8 M

Raid Times: Tues/Wed 8-11 EST with optional Sunday alt raid or keystones.
(Starting the week of Dec. 11th Wednesday will change to Thursday)

We are looking for Core Raiders to push Cutting Edge 8.1.

We have recently stopped progression due to the loss of some raiders and our rebuilding are core and plan on pushing for CE in 8.1.

High Demand For:

  • DPS: Warrior!!! Warlock!!! Mage

  • HEALERS : Priest, Druid

If your class is not listed still feel free to send us a message! We are always recruiting social/bench/casual raiders as well!

Quick Bio: < Topless > Is a hardcore mythic progression raiding guild, founded by a community of “older” millennial friends who enjoy memes and getting loot. We are going through a rebuilding phase and are looking for like minded mythic ready raiders to join our team. We have a core team of many solid players, but we are needing some new blood in order to push progression.
We spend a lot of time in discord, and a lot of us play other games outside of WoW with each other.

If you are not comfortable talking on discord or joking around, this is not the place for you!

We pride ourselves in keeping a drama free raiding environment. In order for us to achieve that we only accept members that are 21+ years old.

“If you need more info, contact me and ask me questions!”

  • Bnet - Mace#1683 or MemeTrash#1161

  • Discord - :a:jay#5560 or Meg#7202

We recently xferred to A-52 and could use all of guys! We have spots available for our Core Team! Contact me ASAP! Rhint#1453

Horde Guild
Tuesdays and Wednesdays
8 PM to 12 AM EST (Server Time)

Currently Recruiting for our Core Raiding Group for BfA!!:

DPS, Healers

We are a 2 night progression raiding guild. Many of us are adults with families and/or full time jobs.

We expect ALL Core Raiders to research encounters for raids before hand and to speak up when confused about boss/mob mechanics so we can maximize raid time with more pulls on bosses.
There are 8 raids in a month and we expect our Core Raiders to attend 80% of those raids. (6/8 a month) We start raid invites ~7:45-7:55 and expect raiders to have flasks/food ready for pulls @ 8:10 PM EST. We also expect our Core Raider’s ilvl to be on par with the current content.

Raid spots are EARNED and kept by attendance and raid performance. If you show up consistently, execute your role and do enough damage/heals/threat and treat others with respect, you’ll never be sat.

We also encourage non-raiders to apply and hang out as well!

We are a pretty easy going group who are looking for dedicated players to do well at their classes and are looking for a stable raiding environment.

On our off nights we enjoy running Mythic + dungeons, farming materials for the guild bank, leveling alts, recruiting, PvP, exploring other games and hanging out in Discord.

Our goal is to clear the most current heroic/mythic raid as quickly as possible under a 2 day per week schedule. We are a competitive bunch looking to always improve and tweak in order to achieve our goal of clearing content while it’s current. We want to progress on a limited schedule and have fun while doing it!

BFA Progression:
2/8 M
8/8 H
8/8 N

Aitris-Area-52 OR Rhoxwar-Area-52 Rhint#1453
Bareassed-Area-52 Rkhard#1792


Message any member in-game and they should be able to point you in the right direction!

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

The first step is admitting you have a problem.

thank you for the offer.

1 Like

I will keep you guys in mind, thank you!


Hello! My guild Evolved might be a good fit for you! We are an 18+ Alliance community on the Proudmoore server. Most of our members have families, jobs, etc so we understand the importance of real life coming first. Because of this, we do not require 100% raid attendance. We run 3 raid groups, so plenty of room for you. Everyone is super friendly, mature, and a ton of fun to be around. :smiley:

Our raid hours during the week end at 11pm EST. We raid Tues/Fri/Sat from 9-11 pm EST with an optional hour on Fri/Sat. I know you said you were only looking for a 2 day raiding guild, but we understand not all our members can make all 3 days and that is completely ok :slight_smile: We really do want real life to come first.

You can read more at:

You can contact me at BNet Starlight200#1548 or Discord Star#0700 if you have more questions!

I wish you luck in the guild hunt! Finding the right group makes a huge difference!

Forgone Conclusion 8/8 H 1/8 M is a casual progression/social guild on the high population horde dominated server Thrall! We are currently recruiting to round out our roster and enlarge our social population. We are looking for people who are interested in raids, Mythic + and socializing with the awesome community we already have.

The guild is lead by two friends who have been playing together since BC, and supported by a team of officers with experience including cutting edge mythic content, various levels of PVP and Mythic +. The guild was founded with the intention to bring fun into the game again rather than it being a job while still enjoying the experience of new content with a group of friends.

Our raid team currently is seeking:





We do not currently have set mythic + groups instead we rotate people in and out to get everyone their 10 throughout the week with our mix of tanks and heals we can have a few going at once.

We are looking for more DPS and ONE healer to add to the raid group. We will always consider any player regardless of current needs, and will gladly accept any social players or M+ players.

Raids are held Wednesday and Thursday from 7:30PM-10:30PM EST, with the option of another clean up day or alt run if the membership agrees.


Hey! Auras on Mal’Ganis is 3/8M (soon to be 4/8M) looking for a solid DPS. We’re a mature guild that have families and understand that life happens. We push Mythic+ and have a pretty relaxed environment. We raid Tues and Thurs 8-11 EST. Would love a chance to talk with you. Bnet is Lithium#11827

Hi Thunderbeams! Proggers is an Alliance guild on Stormrage that is looking for a few more dps to fill up our mthic progression group! We are currently 2/8M and raid sat/sun from 7-10pm EST. Our focus is not only to progress through content but to have fun in a relaxed raiding/guild environment. If we sound like a good fit or if you have any questions, my btag is Azsh#1103 and I will send you a request as well! :slight_smile:

Hi Thunderbeams :sunglasses: !!

Will keep this short and simple! We are currently recruiting exceptional range and melee DPS to fill our roster! We are currently 5/8M with pulls on Zul! We raid every Tues/Thurs 9-12EST!

How to apply:

For the quickest response, please use our google form for quick reply! I don’t have a trust level of 100000 to post links… just remove the spaces in the URL.
https:// tinyurl. com /yd3nzkca

You can also add me on bnet:

US - Thrall

<Redacted> 7/8 M

About Us:
Redacted was created by people who have a history of Cutting Edge experience and are looking to get back into raiding in BFA. We are seeking more players who would like to push for Cutting Edge in BFA. Our GM has raid lead since Vanilla in a number of guilds and looks to continue in Redacted. We enjoy doing things outside of game and hope to add more members.

Raid Schedule:
Friday and Saturday, 9pm - 1am EST


Application Link: goo.gl/forms/jueIncvMv01yrxgJ2


Dara#2639 (Discord)
If you have any questions or concerns