Clearly this is either finished or blizz doesn’t care. They took the time, years after making the class to give droods a 4th spec. Dh has been out a few minutes and still have only two specs. Is there an update on this?
As much as I’d like see DHunter get a third, it’s less that Druid ‘got’ a fourth spec and more that conflicting aspects of feral were split into Guardian and Feral as they now exist. They solved an extant issue - more than creating a new spec from the ground up.
I’d prefer blizzard to work on and figure out how to balance classes better than just blatantly adding specs to classes. What kind of 3rd spec do you think DH should have?
a single target spec instead of one that focuses so much on burst cleave
Nah forget Demon Hunters give Druid’s a fifth spec that focuses on Treant form.
Lol jk, it is kinda crazy DH still doesn’t have a third spec, but what would another specs theme even look like? Maybe some sort of counter-caster melee dps that consumes mana and uses it to empower themselves as a theme? In warcraft 3 DHs had Immolate, Mana Burn, Evasion, and Metamorphosis. Well now DH as a whole has Meta, Evasion is more or less Blur and Immolation Aura is a thing. So maybe the move is Mana Burn as the base of a new spec?
I’m just speculating but imagine you activate your immolation, then use some Mana Consumption ability on your target to increase the intensity of your immolation making the flames go arcane blue. The mastery can be: you deal x% more dmg against Mana Drained Targets, and your Mana Burn abilities deal x% more dmg.
I think most of us agree more and more that Havoc has to be divided into 2 different specs, one focused on mobility gameplay (possibly more warrior-like) and another more static (more demonic-like).
It’s not so much about having something new as it is about separating the two styles we have in Havoc and enhancing them.
Makes sense, tbh the whole mobility to dmg thing is part of the reason why ive never played Havoc despite having played every other melee to at least a KSH level. I just don’t really like the playstyle, if it’s split in two I think I’d give the less movement intensive spec a shot
most people don’t
A better argument, would be to use Evokers getting a 3’rd spec mid exp.
Update: Someone will start a new thread about this every other week, without noticing there were already 101 threads on same topic with nothing new to say.
If developers do find time to work on DH specs, they need to fix the ones we have (Havoc) before worrying about another.
I’m not a betting man but there’s three things I know for certain… Unaliveness, Taxes and DH will never have 3 specs.
Exactly. Yes. This.
dh is a dead class, play it for the fantasy. i wouldn’t be surprise if dh becomes the first class ever to get deleted
Its always funny to see “we dont want change” andys always saying no to everything. At this point i think they are just a bunch of trolls that just want attention.
People often seem to mix up “CLASS TUNING” with “NEW CLASS FEATURES”.
Buddy, not everyone plays FOTM or META classes. People who play the class for their feel and playstyle would like to see new stuff like new races, new specs, etc.
People who play competitive stuff and focus on META and FOTM want better performance, WHICH IS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. Whine about it in another thread. Meta changes every month, classes constantly get scaled, has no relation to this thread.
Personally yes, I want a 3rd spec. The playstyle of havoc is unfortunately not suitable for all content while the playstyle itself is super fun and ideal for M+. A 3rd spec would solve this, same way Fury and Arms for warrior each occupy different fields.
I play for feel and playstyle. I spent significant time on my character’s backstory, his motivations, his interests, and his transmog. I do not want to see new races, and I’m kind of meh regarding a 3rd spec.
I am into stories, and I feel like demon hunters currently have one of the best stories in WoW. That story says Illidan trained Kal’dorei and Sin’dorei. I could see them sneaking in a Quel’dorei, but that’s about it. That story also makes it clear why no one in their right mind would risk thae transformation process today (90% mortality), even if Illidan was around to offer it.
It’s funny to me that people want to start these same threads every other week, as if we didn’t just have this conversation.
Healer obvi.
Eyebeams now shoots health into your allies. Imo aura burns away curses, magic effects, and poisons, Throw first aid kit glaive, Fel rush to your ally and kiss their boo boo. Etc
So “meh” means you do not feel one way or another about it. And yet you go about constantly denying every single thread here whenever they ask for new things for the class?
Buddy, i’ve been playing DH since legion and every single day since then i see a new thread for a new race or new spec. Do you not think there might be a reason why players constantly ask for that? Because the class feels half-assed and incomplete. Like you said yourself, DH lore is VAAAAAST! One of the best lores out there, no reason to NOT give us a 3rd or 4th spec for that matter.
Completely baseless assumption and borderline trolling.
Blizzard would get publicly killed if they simply deleted a class some of us put years in developing and playing