DGMA Aotc guild is recruiting for TWW! Tues/Thurs 9 PM -12 EST

Hello! DGMA is recruiting all for The War Within. We are a guild of online and IRL friends of 7+ years looking to expand the ranks. We are primarily an AOTC guild that love to branch out into other forms of content IE: PVP, Mythic plus or other random games. We have lost some people over the years to IRL commitments and have fallen short of a raid roster this past tier or so. We are aiming to recruit 10+ people to have a solid roster and never miss another raid day to lack of bodies.

We are all capable of AOTC, with a few players being CE raiders and Rank1 IO players. If you are willing to learn, we are happy to help get you up to speed. Our raid leader has multiple Cutting Edge kills and will help anyone who wants it.

Our current raid days are Tuesday and Thursday 9pm to 12 EST.

As it stands we have open spots for any class or spec. We need one tank, and as many dps and healers we can get. We will always have a high need for exceptional players, or someone that is comfortable either multi-classing or having a class that can do multiple roles to fill in when needed.

Please fill out our quick google Form below and we will be in touch!

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Yuuuup! Big Moves! Bumperino!

Still looking for more! Bump

Bump! Still looking for some more friends!

Still need all roles

Bump. Still recruiting all roles!

Still on the search! Bump

Bump! Still recruiting!