DF talents vs wotlk talents

I’d love for everything in SL that happened be erased from the game. So many gross spells and abilities that are bad. Lets put SL the worst expansion in history for any game behind us.

They need to return to more oriented class roles. Gut healing from Dps, Ranged/Casters should be squishy, Reduce melee mobility, Gut damage from healers.

Then remove all the obnoxious CC. Keep it simple. 3 sec stun, 5 sec fear etc.

Agreed, nerf damage and healing of tank specializations as they’re neither of those.

It’s funny to watch people frantically squirm after getting speared.


If its one talent I wish did not make it to DF it would be spear. I wish no cov abilities came but I absolutely hate spear

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Just trigger the pull then blink and the tether breaks.

I’m sad that they’re keeping the Kyrian vfx because I wanted to throw a metal spear that attached a chain to people instead of…arcane magic or whatever.


With shimmer its easier but baseline blink its a lot harder to consistently do. Thats my mage at 55 second mark usually when he blinks and gets yanked back

Never seen that video, pretty funny lol

I prefer the wotlk talent trees.
Most of the stuff on the DF class talent tree should be baseline or learned as you leveled. And why do I have to use my first spec talent point on the first ability they have up there? Why not just make that ability baseline or move it to the bottom of the tree?


The few specs i’ve been keeping up with in DF have spec trees that are open to theorycrafting similar to wrath. Most of the class trees are dissapointing. Not enough unprune.

One thing I can say for certain is that retail desperately needs major glyphs back.

Idk about yours but my tree has a ton of new stuff that I’m super excited for. Class felt sick on beta and I’m excited for it.

Dragonflight is a lot more noob friendly than shadowlands imo. You really don’t have too many options in dragonflight, only the illusion of choice… which is great for beginning players, it gives them an opportunity to choose different routes and see how their choices influence their utility and proficiency in combat.

Wrath however is chase X Y Z end tree talents and you don’t really have to care how you get there.
Neither is perfect, I hope post dragonflight is a conduit/shadowlands talent system again, the dragonflight system is a disgrace to people who’ve been playing since the first time wotlk was around.

This is incorrect. My hunter for example has multiple loadouts on beta with different utilities depending on what I face or want to do.

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Taking away misdirect and throwing it into a talent tree is a farcry from having options. The df talent system gives you 30 points to spend in a 50 point tree (x2)
The shadowlands system gives you 7 choices from 3, along with 4 different covenants which for most classes have 2+ which are viable / fit certain niches / levels of gameplay. Things like running a full nadjia premade epic bg are a possibility, gaming kleia potions so you can chain debuff immunities etc. shadowlands is a wet dream for organized interaction with friends.

I will say that a lot of the filler talents in dragonflight are what conduits should have been, conduits fell short in many ways, however with capstone soulbind traits, covenant abilities, legendaries which then enhance those abilities, I’m not impressed by dragonflight and having to inspect if my dps have talented their interrupt, or the ensuing frustration when they are going to claim that its more important they specced into the odd survival ability which enables them to stand in fire and mongo free cast instead of learning how to play.

I get what you’re saying in that you as an individual have options, you can choose to not misdirect and instead self heal, however when it comes to group play it’ll be this weird pally power amalgamation which does nothing but frustrate the playerbase in determining who can optimally spec into what, without hurting the omg meta push numbers fiasco which is rampant throughout the community.

I don’t mind 4sec spear tbh. It’s a pretty neat ability for certain offense + defensive counterplay (although I suspect it’ll be used generally for offensive pressure). What I dislike is the secondary option (legendary effect) making its way in the tree. I’d rather see a variance of necro banner or a 4 sec spear having a wider radius AND giving additional perks like a haste/mastery bonus for the warrior if they are in the spear. Still kinda bummed out that war mobility is just getting better with double time, heroic leap cd reduction, and 8 sec spear in DF instead of a design that allows them to have a bit less uptime and more power in their consistent dmg.

Choosing between things like which combination of scatter shot/binding shot and intim stun/knock trap is.

4 combinations is beyond my original phrasing of “not too many”? Most of the utility choice they created in the talent trees came from either pruning from pvp talents or baseline class abilities. It’s an illusion of overall choice, in combat you’ll end up having less to do, so when you find out which works where you still only have the 4 point spread like you mentioned in that particular spot, if the rest of the tree is decidedly done the same.

For example as BM/Surv you went from having intimidation, then a choice of binding shot and knock, which gives 4 options the same as dragonflight, except in combat you have the possibility of having 1, 2,a different 2 or all 3. Dflight is 2 or 2 or even none/1 if you decide to go elsewhere in the tree. Which yes then I’ll admit if you choose to pick 1 of the 4, that gives you many options elsewhere as you develop your talent build, the caveat of which being you have to willingly give up things which were once baseline, so that you can acquire other things which were also once baseline decisions. If such options incite engaging gameplay then great, but ability pruning so that you can feel like you’re making more important talent choices does not seem interesting to me.

Man I dont care about your essay response that I didn’t ask for. You said DF doesn’t have many options, I gave one example of options, take your L.

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one = many, a paragraph is an essay, keep posting on the forums 6k champ

Here’s your L.


DF talent trees is just everything we have now but in a talent tree form :joy::rofl: they’ve damn near taken everything from SL and reused it in the talent trees. I hope all the boys are ready for DF shadowlands revenge.

Does anyone feel like DF talents feel so bloated?

Feel like so many abilities, still going to be 1 shots (unless damage gets tuned properly).