DF metacritic reviews... worrying

I’ve kept an eye on these reviews since launch. I know to take this lightly. I’ve noticed more and more reviewers mentioning bugs, glitches, exploits, stealth nerfs, performance issues.

Obviously people with real issues on how DF’s launch has been handled.

This was not the experience WoW needed. I really hope tomorrow’s patch fixes a lot of the bugs introduced in prepatch. If they don’t, and it’s not looking like they are… According to patch notes… WoWs future with Dragonflight is looking like a rough ride.

Let’s hope Microsoft can turn this around. Stop rushing your launches Blizzard. It hurts you way more financially in the long run.


i dont trust most of metacritic poster
like one about race segregation is wrong and needs to be fixed now
they went with pandaria and the evoker on how it should work.


unfortunately i doubt Microsoft will get blizzard, more companies are joining the anti-buy team worrying about nothing… like google joined them -_-

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“Watching the reviews on how public opinion can troll the user review is how I determine this game”

That’s how you sound like


o yea like how they axed stadia and complain about fair competition lol

i wouldn’t pin your hopes on one mega-corporation doing better than another.


I can pretty much sum up the ‘bugs’ which aren’t game-breaking but annoying in 1 amusing phrase, and if you know, you know.

“You’ve got to be kitten me!”


Microsoft has the ability to correct activisions corruption of blizzard. They also have the funds to farther expand the Warcraft RTS and Starcraft IPs

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They don’t get to make that decision, FTC will lose in court as they have in recent past when attempting to challenge vertical mergers.

ATVI at 75… price is 95, you’re saying the arbitrage is a go?

FTC is trying to stop it so if they lose we might see the buyout but thats only if microsoft continues after the win.

The only reason they’re doing this is because uncle Joe issued a directive in 2021 telling them to challenge stuff like this. And judges have ruled against them pretty much every time because they don’t see it the way the FTC does as it’s a vertical merger.

I think at least this an extremely valid criticism and easy for Blizz to avoid getting if they didn’t constantly and arbitrarily hide changes from us. Stealth changes shouldn’t exist period imo in a game people have to pay a constant monthly sub to enjoy, idc if it’s fixing some incredibly specific bugged interaction between 1 niche ability and 1 random mob in outdated content or bumping a spawnrate by .1% JUST TELL US.

COUGH COUGH What’s the deal with the obviously broken spawnrate for the Brutosaur reins in BMAH that started immediately following a vague “hotfix” that was to supposedly additionally add Bruto Reins to the drop table from the unclaimed container (Which as far as I’m aware, not a single player has ever confirmed a bruto rein drop that way still) COUGH COUGH

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either way, theres a group of companies attempting to support the FTC lawsuit. The deal was supposed to happen by the end of June this year. If Microsoft believe its still worth the effort to buy after the case will be the factor we wait for.

Yeah I guess. It’ll be an L for blizzard and their employees if it doesn’t go through, which in turn is an L for us.

Why? :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Just like metacritics scores on films have no bearing on a films future, nor does it have any on WoW’s future.

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Bro these comments literally saying “racist faction system” I can’t :sob::sob:

People are legit losing their minds. I’d pay these “reviews” exactly ZERO attention

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i notice this also
and how some are almost the same

Prob the same dude with multiple sock puppet accounts