DF looks like SL-lite

modifiers aren’t exclusive to cooldowns though

look at overpower 2 stack buffing mortal strike
look at touch of the crane 5 stack buffing spin

there’s tons of smaller more consistent interactions
I’m not at all claiming they’re deep or that they’re doing a good job
but that they design this game for literal mental cripples intentionally

ghostcrawler had a blog post after he left blizzard for riot saying it was incredibly frustrating being constantly aware that any design that wasn’t straight forward enough for someone’s computer illiterate grandparent wouldn’t get pushed through


This is a legendary post which is accurate

Torghast the grinds the rep grinds etc it was all toxic for casual gamers the conduits the renown etc it’s just a lot of time to unlock full power

You realize borrowed power is stuff that you lose next expansion right?

If you are keeping it next expansion how tf is borrowed power?’

Put the drugs away

they took every good thing from the last 4 xpacs and turned them into talents. its not really a bad thing because the only things they took were the good things. stop being weird when tuning waves havent even come out. #'s just need to be fixed and itll be fine i think. a lot of classes are getting a LOT of buttons to be able to handle situations.

adding in garbage talents and leggos and conduits to fill trees isn’t changing the game, sure it’s not borrowed anymore but its still unwanted

What DF will bring is customization. You can sacrifice damage for more self-sustain. You can sacrifice control for more damage, etc.

They have said they are pretty much done with talent tree design and will be moving to tuning damage next. So, we’ll see what happens to the current outliers in beta (things like DH Hunt, arcane mage, WW RSK, etc). The next few weeks should give a better idea of where they want TTK to be and how burst damage versus sustained damage will play out.

unwanted by who? you? no one cares what you think!

I want all the leggos and conduits from previous expansion tf you talking about

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which is why I’m standing on the soap box that is wow forums

Yeah I have seen that same comment over and over again since WoD BETA where the simps, simped for Blizzard saying they just haven’t tuned it yet.

Then it went live that way and stayed that way for way too long.


real talk blizz has been pretty lackluster with the last few xpacs.

remember when a new xpac meant so much stuff? new class new race new bg new arenas new talents new buttons etc etc etc

whens the last time we got a new BG? seething shore 4 years ago?

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small indie company