DF in November

Dagnabbit, duno if Ima make it in time. :confused:

Yea this season is going to be super short… they should have just extended S3 to be honest. I think they thought they wouldn’t be finished with DF until late December. But there is no work being done on SL for a long time so they probably rushed through DF and finished early. Great news… everyone is ready to be done with SL.

i think they were “listening to feed back” when we all said we wanted shorter seasons because 35 weeks is WAY too long

they just did it really bad because we have the same dogsht gearing system


Yea all they needed to do was make pvp gear 1/1 instead of a 1/9 scenario to test and it would of been fine.

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If only they could have made SL even shorter…

gonna be about 12 weeks

legion s3/4 were 11

it’s close but the real diff is gearing this season sucks and gearing in legion was irrelevant

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What did they even experiment with this season. What did pvp get that was remotely new

Yeah, earning conquest is annoying initially unless you spread it out over a period of time (daily, weekly win bonuses) and then it’s like 80k honor to upgrade stuff, which is a pain for specs that can’t cheat with shuffle.

Reminded people that timegating can be good by removing weekly conquest cap instead of just increasing it. Sure, it was to deal with keystone gear being bis but still.

Umbrellas to deal with a sudden and very real rain of feral pigs, yes