I like how you gave more depth to crafting again, but as the expansion has gone on, things have gotten too convoluted and the barrier for entry is too great by this point.
Do you plan on addressing these issues with the crafting order system and crafting in general? Please don’t abandon it, it just needs some tweaking.
I’d get rid of crafting quality reagents, that was a messy addition to an already limited function in Guild Banks and personal banks.
Crafting orders should be able to be placed by the crafter and the system used similar to an AH and not the other way around. Crafting and receiving of goods all done within that system to avoid scams and confusion and server cartels.
i can answer that.
as a blacksmith i can make expedition shovels and cutting knives for cooking other trivial consumables with lowest rank mats, or whatever i have on hand, but when I make high-end gear, only the highest mats will do.
well it’s 2am and we can agree to disagree there. I don’t like sitting on low quality mats when all I am going to craft is high quality items regardless.
I don’t think we’re going to meet in the middle on this one. However the only gripe I would have with the EVE pic is man, it just looks like a giant spreadsheet. Not user friendly in the least from looking at it.
Honestly, I’d like to see them make a slight change to public crafting orders. If you don’t have the mats when you submit an order it should prompt you with “Do you want to spend XXXXX gold to buy the missing reagents from the Auction House?” and use current AH pricing. Then have 2 buttons, either “Yes” Which accepts, pays for the mats, and lists the order, or “Cancel” which cancels the process of making the order. I would imagine the order window also having a radio selection for which quality mats you want it to try and purchase
Good thing it’s still possible to craft the highest quality of items using the lower quality of mats then isn’t it. Also the ability to be able to convert the lower tier mats into higher tier ones.
This would be goated. The little back and forth when I go between the crafting station to figure out what I need to buy from the AH is a minor annoyance, but an annoyance nonetheless.
Unfortunately I think they’ve already stated they’re mostly happy with the system as is.
What sucks is lariat has been my BIS neck on mistweaver for well over a year now and the recipe is awful to find. Tips are abysmal compared to recipe cost to boot, and finding new JC with access is like pulling teeth. They need to better balance the special embellishments and make things like fang adornments relevant (since it’s a 25 point minimum to even learn how to craft them).
They could better balance the embellishments and I’d be happy enough with the system.
Close loop holes that allowed early tree caps in the first few weeks (because that was stupid in the first place).
Adding a catch up mechanism would be QoL. Maybe 20 points per major content patch through a 1 time quest that’s only available under a certain number of knowledge points so crafters can just be that much further ahead.
Allow us to specify rank up to 3 or 4 on public orders, and public recrafts. It’s VERY difficult to find certain professions on low pop realms, and crafting something like an inscription staff can be a time intensive endeavor. Not being able to set public recrafts is idiotic.
Remove gathering/reagent/consumable quality, or at least reduce it to just two ranks. Three ranks creates waaaaaay too much inventory clutter for no real benefit.
Let us sort and filter the public order list. I don’t want to see all those “no supplied mats and only a 200g commission for a 10,000g item” entries.
Add a catch up mechanic for knowledge. It’s insane that people starting late or missing a weekly cap would be behind FOREVER (at least until people capped out entirely, months later), and also that even this fan into the expansion every new character still has to do the entire months long time gated grind. Knowledge really needs more sources and a “season maximum” system like with crests, etc, where if you didn’t cap last week you can still catch up later.
I wish they would add the ability to reset skill points. At least within the first 50 points because you can easily go down the wrong path and it will take a long time to recover.
Inspiration is the root of a lot of quality problems since it creates a huge grey area where a crafter can’t actually promise a quality.
I suspect it would have been better if inspiration, instead of an immediate quality increase, granted a small chance of generating a free insight for future use.
But ultimately, player customers are rarely going to want to settle for anything less than max quality. So the whole curve of different qualities is mostly just an illusion of complexity.