DF and Old God whispers

“Five lanterns, now darkened. The flame they seek will light the masters way”
“The lord of ravens will turn the key”
“Five keys to open our way, five torches to light our path.”

Does anyone think that the Aspects are now related to the five torches/five lanterns quotes from Il’gynoth, and that possibly Khadgar or Odyn will have some part playing this expansion?

We’ve already seen lots of Titan lore with the Uldum dungeon being released pertaining to Odyn, Tyr, and other Watchers.

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There is no definitive torch.
Blizzard didn’t know the answer.
Blizzard doesn’t know the answer.
You are putting more thought into it than Blizzard Entertainment™ is.


It would make sense though. The Titans are a chief enemy of the Old Gods when you think about it. I mean, sure, Light and Void or opposites but we don’t really see them fighting each other that much.

We have more lore examples of Void fighting Order and Light fighting Chaos more than anything else.

We know the Old Gods want to corrupt Azeroth so the Void can have their own Titan agent in the material plane. This is exactly why Sargaras wanted to leave nothing left for the Void to corrupt.

The Dragonflights being the defenders of Azeroth, appointed by the Titans themselves. It would make sense to make this expansion an Old God expansion.

The real question is, should it be? I mean, I personally love Old God stuff and hopefully this would be a redemption for their rather flippant use in the story so far. However, I am not exactly confident in Blizzard’s ability to write a cohesive and satisfyingly story to any capacity at this point, much less a story rooted in the Cosmic Horror genre. Which is already a difficult Genre to write and doesn’t translate well into a video games in which we are supposed to be powerful heroes saving the day.

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'member when people speculated it was the pillars of creation. Then it was the Eternal Ones sigils.


I’m pretty sure those quotes are referring to Zovaal getting the sigils to go to Zereth Mortis.

The Titan Keepers can’t breach the lines of Defense in Avalon without jeopardizing containment of the 5 Old Gods(the Heart of Y’Shaarj, G’huun, N’Zoth, C’Thun and Yogg-Saron) it seems.

Odyn after we killed Helya was seen heading to Ulduar…

C’Thun already breached containment by the way thanks to Cho’Gall so the only Old Gods for Odyn to even need resources plundered from is Yogg-Saron.

Furthermore the Uldaman Edicts of the Prime Designate, Volume 742 state that Odyn permitted the Curse of Flesh.

Flesh is Odyn’s Gift. He is the denizens of Azeroth’s true creator.

His distrust was towards the Elementals’ descendants while giving his trust to the Titan Keepers’ descendants despite them being cursed with Flesh.

I don’t think Odyn was referring to the curse of flesh here. He was most likely referring to things like the Proto-drakes and Trolls. The curse of flesh happened well after Odyn abandoned his position as Prime Designate following his tantrum over the creation of the Dragon Aspects.

Although it is not beneath blizzard to retcon something like the curse of flesh. Which has been Yogg-sarons little project since it was formally introduced in Wrath.


No, actually, what this book seems to suggest is that Life evolved on Azeroth without intereference by the Titans, Odyn was quick to want to wipe out these new mortal life forms. I believe this also proves that the "curse of flesh’ is also a fabricated lie of the Titans because they wanted to re-write history in which the Titans were the sole creators of the universe and a “curse of the flesh infecting titan creations” was the prometheus story they told as a lie to keep the mortal races under the control of the Titans.

Odyn later goes on to say that no matter what the true origin of the cosmos and the true Progenitors must be kept from the mortals at all costs because we are too simple-minded to understand the complexity. Part of me thinks that “complexity” is how Life derived from Chaos. How can the Titans fight the Old Gods if it was revealed that in the beginning there were only “The Old Ones” and they are our true creators.

The book that Wrathion has us reconstruct by running the Visions of N’Zoth is called “The Lies of the Titans” and one of the pages it talks about the “Curse of Stone” which talked about an alternate history where Titanforging was actually a curse that the Titans put on creatures of flesh.


Well this is all very interesting and has much potential. Can’t wait to be disappointed again.


Except that we have a minion of Yogg-saron make reference to the Curse of Flesh. The final boss in Halls of Stone.

Soft, vulnerable shells. Brief fragile lives. You cannot escape the curse of flesh! - https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Sjonnir_The_Ironshaper

So why could a minion of Yogg spread a lie made by the Titans? Considering that Yogg-saron made the curse of flesh.

As I explained in a different post. The details of the book in question took place before the Curse of Flesh was a thing. As Odyn was still the Prime Designate when he wrote that book. The curse of flesh happened well AFTER Odyn abandoned the post. The creatures of flesh he makes reference to are probably the proto drakes and trolls.


And Natural Wildlife.

Odyn practically permitted Trolls, Tauren, Vulpera, Goblins, Elves and Pandaren to exist.

The Flesh bestowed on the Titanforged was a Curse as the Old Gods themselves admitted(with Xal’atath putting quotation marks of the sarcastic kind around the word “gift” to emphasize that point) while the beings of Flesh permitted to flourish early in Azeroth’s History before the Curse’s existence had their continued existence be a Gift from Odyn.

The Curse of Stone(the title of a Book ingame as an Item given to Wrathion yet not read by the Player) is probably teaching the notion that the Titan Keepers normally would have simply kept only Elementals and Titanforged in existence so Odyn permitting Flesh is a Gift thus sparing Azeroth the usual Curse bestowed on countless previous Worlds.

Il’gynoth’s idea of a Gift from the Old Gods is Oblivion itself ironically.

The Old Gods’ Gift is the Gift of Oblivion with their Curse being the Curse of Flesh.

The Titan Keepers’ Gift is the Gift of Flesh(y creatures being permitted to exist before Yogg-Saron started meddling with everything) while their Curse is the Curse of Stone which they generously spared Azeroth from.


Also, gift in German translates to poison in English.

//Just throwing that out there.

I’ve long wanted some benevolent old gods, so I hope we meet at least one.


Xal’atah maybe in the future.

I want someone who is less condescendingly sylvanas and more warmly papa nurgle.


Pepperidge Farm 'members! :blueberries: :grin: :blueberries:

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Because any grouping of five might just be the magic lanterns/torches/keys of the old gods.

… Except a dungeon group for some reason. Like, it’s got five people in it, right? Why does nobody speculate that there’s gonna be some kinda dungeon where we get caught on fire (probably because we stood in it to keep on dpsing and making the healer cry, and the healer ended up standing in it too because they fixated on the health bars), stumble around looking for a way to put out the fires, but when we do, we accidentally open some lock that lets the void lords out?

Five torches lighting the way.
Five lanterns darkened.
Five keys oipening a door.

But nobody thinks about that! It is right there, so obvious!!


That is a good point. Alot of these “mysteries” are vague enough to be anything - or nothing. They may be nothing, and then be fleshed out later, in ways that the Developers who initially designed these “mysteries” never even conceived. And we would have no idea about it.

Nonetheless - this does ring true with the Dragons:

There were 5.

They were “darkened” in the sense that they were depowered after Cata.

As far as this one :

I felt it was forecasting an eventual reveal of Odyn being a villain. He does have Ravens at his command, and Raven related loot. On top of all the other awful stuff he did.

Next character I make will be named torchlanternkeyone - WHO IS COMING WITH ME?

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