DF - All PvP gear same ilvl in PvP (except WM)?

No irl buddies play this game anymore because the PvP gearing is so bad.

I don’t enjoy arenas nearly as much as BGs, so playing RBGs is the only path to rating for me. The thing is, finding groups for RBGs is not easy, nor is it worth the time to play one BG per hour or so. I tried rated in S1 of SL, and it just wasn’t all that fun.

If solo Q existed for RBGs I would play rated. Thankfully, DF makes gearing possible with unrated BGs again though.


Yes, and additionally some specs have higher skill floor in arenas, like rogues for example, or healers in general. At least for me.

S1 was especially bad, because MMR was so deflated that you could barely get to the first upgrade bracket of 1400. I remember I pugged RBGs and it took one evening and a coordinated group in voice to break 1400 finally, and I quit instantly, because I was afraid that I would lose it before I was able to upgrade my gear.

It definitely got better in S2, but again honor gear was pretty much a noob trap and unranked conquest gear was the true honor hear gear that you could actually upgrade to some usable levels. Which forced you to play rated to play randoms comfortably which was backwards.

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Yeah, SL was really only fun for the first couple of weeks. When people didn’t have enough rating gated conquest pieces to totally outclass honor gear.

I think they missed a good opportunity to try out the DF gearing in the last season of SL though. Maybe they will at least do something along those lines for pre-patch.


I’m curious to see what they’ll do in the prepatch. Probably something similar to what happened to Wrath PvP gear in Cata prepatch where I think it just all started costing new honor points. That would make into a fun pre-patch month if you could just spam BGs for top PvP gear.

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Let’s hope so! Wrath pre-patch PvP was really fun


I remember that. It was the best time to pvp.

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Yeah if they don’t have different gear options for pvp they should have more titles and mounts and our gear should look freakin epic. Not like the garbage of sl.
And duelist gear should be greater than heroic raiding. Less than mythic raiding I suppose but more than anything
M+ can give for ilvl in pve

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Rated solo queue exists for Solo Shuffle in Dragonflight, so there’s another rated outlet for you.

I don’t enjoy arenas nearly as much as BGs. But rated solo queue arena would be better than needing a group to queue.

this is the interview

Yeah, gear will almost be irrelevant in PvP after a short grind.

I know some PvPers will cringe, but Blizzard’s doing the best, most fun thing for PvP: turning it into a mini game. You easily get gear you can compete in, the rest is for fun/cosmetics or if you want to show up in Raid Night in PvP gear and still crush face.