DF abandons WoW’s solo playerbase... but why?

Absolutely this.

Like right now players can get a full set of gear that is higher ilvl then LFR just by doing the storms and hunting for storm coins, get 4 crafted items that are ilvl 405 including Elemental lariat which is amongst the most powerful items (and it just requires them to run one dungeon, just one!), a really strong ring from the cobalt enclave, a 398 cloak from sabbellian or wrathion… JC trinkets that have procs for days…

There is so much god damn loot to be had here, people just need to whine less on the forums and go get it.

Slight correction, it’s 5. Raz quest gives an extra on top of the 4 max renowns.

Yep, completely casual, solo player progression nets you :

((5x405) + (4x385) + 398 + (6x392))/16 = 394.68 average ilvl.

Farming those extra 6 sparks might take a while, but the possibility is there.

quit making excuses for why there shouldn’t be actual solo instanced content with real progression cause clearly people want it why you thing people thought torghast was okay in beta til blizz pulled a fast one lol. and clearly the same old formula in wow like they always have had ain’t working. i don’t want free gear i want real solo instanced progression does has to drop mythic gear nah but it sure would be better than the worthless world content they ggot now brainless afk garbage. bring it blizz real solo instanced progression.


I’m looking at this from a pure solo perspective and thus not including Raz (It’s also why I include the caveat that to get all of the sparks you do need to do one dungeon)

But even without that, you’re still looking at a full set of 385 armor and weapons, a BIS neck piece that is probably better then anything you can get from raid or M+ barring extreme ILVL gaps…

Hell I got the heroic version of Raz’s axe and it was still worse then the weapon I crafted in the first few weeks.

For as much flack as Ion got when he said “You think you want that, but you don’t” it still bears true to this day.

Because we had the system that you are describing. It was called Horrific visions and it was largely a side gig by organized players to go and get some gear while Solo players mostly whined that it was too hard.

I geared my hunter through it full solo, to prove you could to peeps on the forum saying you needed raid gear to do it.

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And I salute you and your ability to bang it out as I would anyone who was able to do full clear 5 mask.

Because it was certainly possible, just that a lot of these “solo players need a path to power” types wouldn’t be able to hack it.

As someone who quit WoW half way through Burning Crusade (Didn’t have the freetime anymore). But whom recently came back in season 3 of Shadowlands, I can tell you that Dragonflight is BY FAR better for me as a mostly Solo player then WoW was originally.

max rep of what gives a 418 piece?

i just want some totally new group content or some real instanced solo content progression. i still belong to 2 communities i did tons of keys with thru legion and bfa and there always asking why i don’t wanna do keys or raid why cause there boring lol. and if i just wanted free stuff there more than happy to carry me thru anything considering i ran a crapton of there alts thru keys helping gearing thru bfa and legion. there endgame is boring now the same as there brainless world content they offer so i don’t play much and never will again til they add something new and exciting again . i did alot visions when i didn’t even need the gear why cause it was new. chasing rares and sitting around a pot or doing brainless sieges and what not boring.

While I do agree farming solo has been better for me personally, dunno if it’s keeping up with the mob when farming.

Though I hate reputation grinding as a solo activity. It’s pretty brainless and more of a chore than a fun group activity like raiding.

I was kind of hoping they would have expanded on a torghast like feature. Not tie critical aspects of it like they did with legendaries, but more entertaining than cobalt rep farming.

Bzzt, it is only a primal infusion (395-405), the concentrated is the higher tier that only comes from mythic raids and M+16s and higher. I got what you likely meant, but sometimes all it takes on the forums to make someone try a “got ya” moment is naming the wrong item.

And I have seen at least one who says things like “all solo content is face roll” not nave it at all. I have it and I found it to be the perfect path to power for solo players, IF they were being honest about wanting a challenge (some want challenging solo content, some want to just be able to grind the gear over the course of the patch).

I’d probably feel more sympathetic as a casual player myself if I didn’t constantly see Solo Players RUINING the groups THEY JOIN by refusing to communicate as necessary, and then yelling/gaslighting the group later because ‘I have anxiety I can’t talk D:’

If we must cater to this, give them their own realm where dungeons/raids are solo and guilds aren’t a thing so that the rest of us can continue playing the MULTIPLAYER game we signed up to play. :expressionless:

Multiplayer game we signed up for that’s slowly dying but never change right? Multiplayer has nothing to do with grouped lol.

I did too. Was a lot of fun early on. Which they added the rest of the major cities so it didn’t get so stale.

This is why we can’t have nice things.

Each renown gives the reagent to make any crafted piece 418. (408-418 range)

So a total of 4. Just gotta grind renown, then crafted part item (which prob means gold lol)

Wrong, unless they changed it, it is only a primal infusion (395-405). The 408-418 range upgrade is ONLY from mythic raids and M+ starting at +16
https://www.wowhead.com/item=197921/primal-infusion#reward-from-q 395-405
https://www.wowhead.com/item=198046/concentrated-primal-infusion 408-418 (notice, no reward from tab here?)

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See, this is the core of the problem: honesty.

Like we’ve seen what happens when players are confronted with challenging content that can be solo’d; people whined for years for the mage tower to be brought back and when it was a sizable chunk of the player base went insane over how it actually challenged them to know their class inside and out, and the Visions were met with very mixed reviews by players since ~again~ to get the best results you needed to be very, very good.

The other concern I’d have WRT this, is that the resourese that would go into this would need to be pulled away from somewhere else, so that would mean that new zones, dungeons, raids or BG types would need to be put on the back burner so that this system ~whatever form it takes~ could be properly developed and especially if there are plans to make it an ongoing component of game design like they did with M+.

Dude, you just broke my heart. I was wrong and my grinds are no longer satisfying :confused:

Thank you for admitting that some super rares and hunt stages are going to be more difficult (if not impossible) to solo for lower iLvl non-tanks. Many posters are still trying to deny this fact.

Yes, I do play at off hours and am on a quiet server, so unless an event is required for the “Aiding the Accord” weekly or I can manage to get some playtime in right after the weekly or semiweekly reset, I am generally going to have to do use Group Finder to do literally anything other than the minigame WQs (which are great for gold but offer low iLvl gear). This is becoming more and more of a problem as group content players are finished with any Renown and gear rewards they can get from the open world.

Contrast this with Legion, BfA, or SL where I would do the world boss soon after reset, but could solo all of the world content for the rest of the week at whatever time I wanted.

That depends on your definition of “solo content”.

Is any open world content solo content because you can tag without grouping, regardless of how it is tuned or designed?

Is any content that is easy PUGgable solo content because you don’t need a steady organized group, even something like lower M+ keys that many people use Group Finder for and then don’t even communicate during the run?

Is queued content like Solo Shuffle or LFR solo content because you can queue alone for it?

Or is it solo content only if it is tuned and designed to be completable by a single player (or the instance’s tuning scales down for single players)?

The OP seems to shift their definition of solo players, and devs also changed their stance on designing world content for solo players, but for me it can never be solo content if it can’t be literally soloed by a DPS toon with reasonable gear and skill.

Even with a couple of scenario skips, the entire cloak questline takes about a couple of hours. There should have been an actual one-button skip to get your cloak, Titan research console, starter currencies, and any other features and content unlocked. When the Ny’alotha raid becomes soloable someday, new toons that didn’t do 8.3 might still have to do that questline….

However, if you enjoyed doing the 3 open word invasions each week and enjoyed Horrific Visions, 8.3 was easily the most rewarding patch for solo players this game has ever offered. Being able to customize your character with HoA powers and corruptions, and solo Legion raids (even without a legacy damage multiplier) was great!

As I have discussed in previous posts, in BfA you could also earn Heroic iLvl gear in every slot by doing faction assaults in warmode, or various other PvP objectives and events. (The PvE item level of PvP gear in DF is very low unless you do ranked PvP to upgrade it, which would make zero sense for solo players.)

For me, AP was not a positive or a negative, and I was not bothered by the way it was handled in Legion, BfA, or SL because solo players had access to it while not needing to be a slave to it. Legion’s AP was the best because it was all tied to one single max-level “talent”system. SL’s AP provided small power choices through Soulbinds, but was timegated by Renown to keep the min-max players from claiming that they have to clear the map of every last WQ because they were forced to.

You have a lot of good points about the flaws in the content of past expacs that solo players are now praising. Horrific Visions and Torghast, for example, were indeed possibly intended as side gigs for raiders rather than features for solo players. BfA Island Expeditions, as another example, did not offer any gear progression at max level, and the weekly AP rewards were probably kept high to make sure that raiders kept doing them to keep metrics high and justify the expenses for developing them.

So now we get to DF. Devs aren’t allowed to design any secondary power systems. Which is fine.

But what do they do? They design an overly complex and restrictive crafting order system involving multiple soulbound currencies, RNG, and timegating that does not equally benefit solo players who do not have equal access to the soulbind currencies and are not as likely to have the social networks in place to find crafters or craftees.

MoP, WoD, Legion, BfA, and SL all had simpler ways of crafting or upgrading soulbound gear without the order system! But hardcore players are praising this new complex order system because it benefits them the most.

And then what solo content do solo players get in DF? World events that are not practical unless you group up for them. World content that is basically outdoor dungeon elites and dungeon bosses. Weekly objectives that require group content. Is this all for group content players to have a side activity to gear up alts and get them ready for group content? Or is it all a way to gaslight solo players into thinking that group content is what they wanted all along?

DF has the potential to be a great expansion, but is going to feel off for true solo players as long as devs are trying to punish us for being what we are.

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I mean sure: you aren’t soloing a worldboss that has 16 million health.

The flip side is that you can usually wait 5 minutes and either people will begin to flock in or just hit the LFR button and a group will form fairly quickly.

There are two solutions to this: Get into a group or change serers.

And herein lies the problem with people screaming to the heavens that solo players are so hard done by: you can ask a dozen of them this question and get 14 different answers, resulting in a situation where it feels like the players in question are engaging in excessive gaslighting wrt what exactly their demands are combined with people having rose colored glasses regarding the past.

  1. The open world invasions were rife with problems stemming from having to do multiple continent jumps and the content being incredibly tedious.
  2. Beyond that people hated the heart because everyone could see that they were Just another god damn borrowed power system with the heart and cloak being particularly reviled due to them not having actual endcap where people could stop thinking about how they needed to hoard AP due to the incremental bonuses it provided.
  3. putting aside how you apparently play on a dessicated server wherein completeing world PvP objectives would be indescribably slow. I’m pretty sure you can still go and complete WPVP quests to get gear of that level (eventually). Or you can go and get it crafted with sparks that will get it customized to your preferences and/or converteted into tier gear.

So first off, you have paths forward as a player, it’s just that you don’t like them because it would require you to make a choice between Time, Preference or acceptance.

The Choice of time is understanding that the paths to meaningful growth exist, they simply will take longer for you then they will for players engaging in organized play; the same resources that players doing normal raids are available to you via conventional gameplay to a degree (IE infusiions and primal chaos; you can get these without ever setting foot in the raid and/or M+, it’s just going to take longer). Further, it acknowledges that you will see opportunities for your gear to improve as time and patches allow.

Preference acknowledges that you have hit the limit on what gear can credibly be aquired under the limitations you have imposed on yourself (and to be clear that is what we’re looking at since you are objectively refusing to budge on working in a group). And you know what? That’s fine, you’ve gone as far as you can on your character. You’ve hit the ceiling of content and can either wait for a new patch that adds more content or roll a new toon.

Acceptance is the ability to acknowledge that at endgame WoW is and has always been about the multi-player expierience, gathering together to take on more powerful foes and acquire better gear as a reward for your hard work and diligence whether that be running dungeons, taking on world bosses, PVP or Raiding.