DF abandons WoW’s solo playerbase... but why?

I sometimes wonder if they should make a WPvE set that scales down in instances and buffs that help in the world like an additional port or fast regen.

its a game. no need to over think it. the game is what is.
play it or dont

In this thread you almost glorify Shadowlands.
Yet in May 2021, you’re complaining about it: 9.1 further disenfranchises non-competitive playerbase

To quote my favorite conflicting statmenets:

From this thread:

From your 2021 thread:

So which is it? Is Torghast a solo-friendly system that scales well or is it a nightmare that requires the best gear?

Was the Legendary crafting system a joy to work with or was it a nightmare to actually fund?

From December 2020, a comprehensive list of issues you have with SL:

Yet in this thread you can only rattle your brain and come up with three negatives about SL?

And in this thread also from December 2020, you’re just whining about SL as a whole.

Can you just quit already?

So you are saying that you could go into SL mythic raids in crappy DF gear and solo them? Wow, very nice. You’ll have to show us how it is done.

What amazes me (even though it shouldn’t) is that you’ll continue down this road of “because we do specific content, we are the only ones that should be allowed to have decent gear”. It is this attitude that has ruined this game and this community.

But thank you very much for displaying it once again so that others can recognize it.

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Are you saying if we gave you 10 more ilvls you can solo it?

I assure you the 10 ilvl difference won’t make a difference in SL.


Look up the definition for entitled.

You want the same rewards as people doing +17 keys.


The game was never like this, even in BFA when you were getting crazy gear form the boxes, they still weren’t as good as heroic raid or high keys.

Why do you not want to put any effort?

PS. even if we gave you the gear, you’d have nothing to strive for and go play something else anyways.

Gear is the carrot on the stick in most MMORPGs.

Removing the carrot actually kills the game.

I apologize you can’t or won’t do the content, but your reasoning is very silly.

Equality doesn’t exist when there’s people putting in more effort.

Solo play in a massively multiplayer game has always been an exercise in stupidity. The VAST amount of WoW content in every expac has always been group content… and the lion’s share has been RAID content.

WoW is a theme park mmo. There isn’t dynamic player driven content like some other game models. This takes away most solo progression paths and content. Essentially, the solo player in an mmo is the guy who walks into a themepark and says “eh I’m good with just spending all day in the hotel gym walking on a treadmill”. Are you at the themepark doing an activity? Sure. But you can’t really complain that the park sucks if all you do is walk on the treadmill.

This I never said. We have been talking about crafted gear and allowing people who do different content a path to progressing in power. Just because they do not find running the same dungeon over and over a billion times does not mean they shouldn’t have access to decent gear that allows them to do the stuff they enjoy doing in the game.

And I love how you say …

You don’t think you have an entitled attitude? The above comment belies that statement.

Dragonflight had a great direction, but as soon as the solo gear progression dried up so did my motivation to play it. I won’t be coming back to retail until they have AI parties for mythics, or an alternative solo route to the best gear in the game.

I will not party with this absolutely toxic community they have cultivated over the years through their garbage eSports design principles.


people will reach the end of progression path then they’ll be back to complaining. That’s the problem if gear is your end point.

That same dynamic is an issue whether it’s a group play or solo play. It’s not applicable to the topic at hand.

And if they deleted all the m+ content, would you still be playing? my bet is on no.

I don’t know what deleting m+ has to do with my post over the topic. I asked for AI parties or an alternative route to the best gear in the game.

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Yes, it is applicable to the topic at hand. PVP and m+ as well as raid technically don’t end. (Raid does, but M Raszageth isn’t that common.)

I don’t know what you’re talking about. There’s a finite amount of gear you can get. Whether it’s solo or with a party it doesn’t matter.

Yes, there is, but people can play for more than gear there.

Like, even if they gave solo players the best gear, as soon as that’s obtained, they’re out of content.

I dont.

Because i dont ask for anything, i go and get it.

Thats something you’ll never understand.

Are people aware that a game like Hogwart’s legacy only has 40 hours of content, and people play wow a few months in and complain that there’s nothing to do?

I guess it is a pattern for Blizzard … lol

Why would I be able to play more if I group together versus if I am solo? You don’t make any sense. If the whole purpose of somebody playing is to get gear then they have the same problem whether they pursue that in a party or solo. They will stop playing because they are already geared. It doesn’t matter they obtained it in a party or solo.

How do you think you’re actually making a point here? It’s a bizarre.

The point is people can play for more than gear in those other modes.

And even if they play for gear, raid is going to occupy them a while.