The vast majority of wow healers just refuse to heal M+ keys. But the problem also does not stop at keys. Even healing in raid has just been horrible until the healer and the other players just completely out gear the raid all together. But even then its challenging on some mechanics.
Now before someone hops in and say, your a shaman, go healer. That is something I plan to do and am working on gear for it. But targeting me to go healer will not fix the issue for the game as a whole. So lets move on.
People are going to say, run with guildmates instead of pugging healers. Yea, we had this convo already. Healers that do heal, are less inclined to do high keys outside of guild groups. That being said, that is true. But for example our guild has two raiding teams, its almost impossible to get someone online to heal keys during the week and still challenging on the weekends. Most all of our raid healers are just sick up M+. Those who are not are already done at this point in the season and are doing other things before next season.
SO since we got all that out of the way. Lets actually focus on the main point of the question that is directed towards the WoW Devs. What are you doing about healing? It simply is in the worse state that I have ever seen it in. Which is sad as the game as a whole is in the best state content wise that it has ever been.
When healers said they didnt want to DPS. That didnt mean to put in affixes for the healers to focus on. That also didnt mean make dmg mechanics so spikey that they can one or two shot players. Healers want to heal, de-curse and do all the things to keep players alive. Healing should be about mana management. Currently Healers are caught in a conundrum where they are rushing trying to heal a heavy dmg mechanic that unless everyone is at 100% it will kill the players, then the next minute they are overhaling. Over healing is generally considered a bad thing as its wasting mana. But even on small groups it can be unavoidable as instead of just brining what is generally the optimal healing number for your comp. You end up brining an extra healer for a few boss fights that just have insane spike dmg. Sadly in M+ there isnt even an option. Which puts more stress on the healers to perform.
Now the whole toxicity issue towards our poor healers is you, the WoW Devs fault. Most players are clueless at the issues healers are going through. They just know they are not getting the healing they used to get in past expansions. So many get P’O’d at the healers. Which leads to players not wanting to deal with drama and thus do far less keys or stop healing keys all together.
There are countless top level healers that are among the best in the world complaining about this and making videos. There is no way any of you are not aware of the issue. What angers players is the SILENCE on the issue.
Shakes the magic 8 ball…. “Nothing”
Maybe next time 
Reposting this image. This is the healer shortage, everyone.
I agree with you OP. Our raid has lost a lot of healers since DF launched and of the couple that has stuck around, only one really heals keys.
I occasionally try to fill in myself, but its always very frustrating…so I dont really blame any of them for leaving. Healing is currently very tedious and unfun.
4 healers applying to a 23 group means no healer shortage in the whole game at any level 
I’m sure at all levels, people turn down the first 3 or so because they’re not good enough, and then they don’t relist and are surprised why no one joins after waiting for ten more minutes.
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No, it is not that. I play alts, I would have literally invited any healer even one with 1000 IO score to my 19 NL but 0 healers signed up. I ended up dropping it to a 16 and invited a healer with 700 IO score (who didn’t know that you could dispel the affix but nobody said anything because we knew what we were getting into). Keys 20+ are the only ones that make sense to heal really. I know when I’m healing that the 17 is probably going to be about as hard as a 20 and less rewarding so I skip it.
You were doing a 19, a key that no one wants to do.
If you were doing an 18, it would’ve been different.
Not really. I’ve listed 18s before and filled it with 1 tank and 3 dps, then waited upwards of 20 mins for a healer applicant, no healer signed up, the tank leaves then the other dps leave and I am alone again. The healers just aren’t interested and I don’t blame them.
In fact I started M+ healing this patch because filling groups was just such a pain.
but did you have an augmentation evoker?
Of course, aug is .3 of a healer buffs their mana their healing basically required now. The healers don’t care nor should they, they could be doing a 20 with 26-skilled players doing their weekly vaults, also with aug.
so during my brief period in the low keys, people didn’t seem to want augmentation evokers, and it was just easier to heal to get into keys. Wonder if it attracts healers or repels them.
Then I got bored of people being bad, and went to 20s when playing an alt.
Could be healers at that range perceive augmentation as a liability.
Few I did group with had like 40% ebon might uptime lol.
Yes that is what healers should do, just go up to 20 asap and don’t look back. But now lower keys are kind of stranded, if it isn’t 11 or 16 it’s basically dead. There definitely is a healer shortage in part of the game.
Another point is many people who do lower keys do not have premade groups filter or a WA to tell them who is in the party. They literally just see a group with no healer icon and find out what the group is when they get in.
if I had a tank, don’t think it would take long to fill a group.
Your arguments are simply “You dont have a problem, so no one else does.” Which makes you extremely naive or just here to troll.
I pointed out healing issues.
Others like: AutomaticJak, Theun, Donkeystorm Gaming, Rife, MadSkillzzTV on YouTube have pointed out the healing issue.
Plus countless others on twitter from top gaming leagues and players on the forums have stated their own personal dislike for it. YET… You seem to attack everyone to make it seem there is no healer issues… Your trolling… Simple…
Probably not. Especially since you can just swap to heal spec and invite 3 dps. That is what I do now, it’s nowhere near as fun but at least I get to play.
People at the top end dislike the damage patterns, but they’re not playing the same game as other people that play wow.
People think with just a few changes, the currently hard stuck 17s will be able to suddenly do 20s (and leave a fresh wave of new people hard stuck 17s.)
I mean as a dps, queue with a tank, fill group in like 5 mins.
Thats a stupid statement. If you play M+ your playing M+. Just at different difficulties… The problems just get more and more apparent the higher the key gets. But the problems where always there.
Sure, it depends on your level. But it can definitely happen especially 20+. Probably even faster than 5 mins if it’s exactly a 20. In 18 though even with a tank, who knows. Maybe since your IO is good, for a lone dps like 2k io filling an 18, they should just give up and delevel it to a 16.