Devs Should Chat With Us

They should send a Blizzard employee to talk with us. Think about it. This is a business. We are customers. Chat with us!

I don’t know, we folks here would bite.

Would be nice, there are other games that chat with people a lot honestly. Even just on the servers, and devs showing up for events and helping keep the peace and reducing issues.

Yeah it’s not like we’re asking them to dress up as a geisha and dance around on stage to the lovely sounds of Pandaria

They don’t want to talk to players directly, that’s a recipe for disaster. People already make up scenarios and disseminate false information to create uproar. What do you think would happen if the actual folks in charge were constantly quoted out of context or had their statements completely and intentionally misinterpreted?

Ultimately, you’re playing their game, and they will do as they see fit with it. The indirect nature of forums, in-game chat, and social platforms give them plenty of reason to keep the players at an arm’s distance, as well as give them access to all these “wonderful” suggestions you morons constantly propose.

This is no longer even remotely possible. After bobby promised to take any joy out of game development, he ran all the devs who played/enjoyed WoW out of the building. If they allowed a dev to interface directly with players it would be instantly obvious that we were talking with someone who doesn’t play WoW, and has absolutely no idea how to improve this game they’ve never played.


No, they shouldnt. If I was a dev and heard all the crying and ungratefulness of the people on these forums, I would just shut the servers down.