Nothing complex, just a few things to improve ALOT hunters quality of life.
- Make pets teleport to u as u jump from higher places.
- Make pets more responsible when leaving combat.
- Make an UI option to mark our pets so we can see where they are in the crowd.
This SOMETIMES happens, but most of the time they just walk all the way around something, truly frustrating;
If pets a.i was improved it would be much better for the game overall and we could do more interesting things with pet classes as well
Blink Strikes. Why on earth did they remove Blink Strikes? It solves most of the pathing and “pet runs halfway across the world because it can’t follow a mob up a 6-inch ledge” issues in one go.
I’m not saying this is a bad idea, but between RangeDisplay addon telling me at a glance how far away the pet is from me, and just looking at the Pet’s health and debuffs, I rarely need to get actual eyes-on my pet.
Can you clarify what you mean by that?
Play an epic bg and u gonna understand.
Two more, which I think are important:
- Add a separate “Pet Sounds” slider for volume, instead of an on/off toggle.
- Make the size reduction glyph affect animal companion, too.
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I feel like I remember them having improved the pet AI at one point, only to break it during a patch and rather than fix it they just sorta…reverted them back to the worse AI.
Or you could have just explained it.