Devos Spear Hit Detection

If someone’s ping is so high that they are seeing her location incorrect something that I’m sure can happen. That is not a issue that is the player needing to get a better connection or letting another player do the spear.

No different than you missing a int since your ping is to high to react to it. Or many other examples.

The issue with the boss is the bug that a hit that did hit her dose not pull her down even no it registers in the log as a hit.

It being a skill shot is completely fine so long as that bug is fixed.

There is no better connection that will help someone’s ping from the USA to Australia or vice versa.

It’s not fine.

No different than you missing a int since your ping is to high to react to it.

Except one player missing a “int”, whatever that is, is not going to brick a key after 40 minutes of actual gameplay. They die, you res them and move on.

This situation is totally different since it’s a guaranteed wipe mechanic that is totally reliant on ping. It’s also that you don’t know if you’re going to hit by this bug until the very last fight of the dungeon. If Devos was the first boss or the first trash fight it wouldn’t be nearly as bad.

There not being a better connection dosent make it a blizzard issue.

Just like it’s not a blizzard issue if you can’t get a kick since your ping is so high you don’t see the cast in time.

Or you don’t get out of the fire fast enough as you lose 3 secs as delay.

She sits in each spot for quite a while if your ping is that high than waiting for the move than tossing means you miss your seeing a delay of about 5 plus secs that’s a player level issue at that level.

The issue is only that it can bug and a hit that dose register dosebt pull her down.

Yes it actually does.

Just like it’s not a blizzard issue if you can’t get a kick since your ping is so high you don’t see the cast in time.

Literally all of Australia played with 240ms ping for the first 6 years of the game’s history.You can kick just fine, and do any class/mob mechanics just fine, and complete any content with a 200 ping.

But you can’t do the Devos spear with 200 ping. And that is an issue.

If you can make a kick with 200 ping you can also do the spear. Just watched a vid and counted there is 8 secs between each move. As such waiting till she moves than tossing at the new location you know she is moving to means unless you are behind by 8 secs or more you hit. Which honestly in the fight dosent seam like 8 secs till watching a vid outside of combat.

If you are 8 secs behind that is not a blizzard issue that is a player issue. At that amount you are no longer within playable delay.

I have played with 200 ping and even 800 ping he’ll I have even done devos and the spear at 600 ping it’s quite doable and just fine. 800 ping is about a 1 or 2 sec delay no where near a 8 sec. 600 ping was just fine wait till move than tossing same thing you should do even without delay.

The issue is only the fact a hit can show up in the log and not pull her down.

I just explained that you actually can’t.

If you are 8 secs behind that is not a blizzard issue that is a player issue.

We are not 8s behind. We are 200ms behind. And it is absolutely a blizzard issue that the spear mechanic can’t be done if your ping is over 100ms.

You might not be able to but that says more about yourself.

Fact is you can. Playing on my cellphone wifi I play with a 600-800 ping and do that when out of town. That is on avg a 1-2 sec delay and I have tanked spires doing exactly that up to and including doing the spear.

You most def can do the spear with 200 ms you can even do it at much higher levels.

It’s as simple as waiting till she moves as that means ahe has moved on the game side even if your behind and unless your 8 secs behind she hasent moved again 200 ms is not a 8 secs delay. If your 8 secs behind that’s a issue for the player to solve as that is not in the realm of the required specs for the game.

No you haven’t.

You can claim I haven’t till your face is blue. Fact is I have.

Fact is you’re lying

We’ve tested it dozens of times. The person operating the spear needs to have ping under 100ms to hit devos reliably. Tested with multiple characters in multiple runs.

You’ve never tanked spires with 800ms latency and everyone knows it. The entire game would be totally unplayable with that latency, not just the spear.

You can claim that till your face is blue fact is I’m not.

It’s not hard to hit something that sits still for 8 secs even with a 600-800 ping as that’s only a 1-2 sec delay, to be exact it’s sub 1 sec bit can spike and hense upwards of 2, not 8.

It is if you don’t where that thing is, because the client and server are reporting different positions due to latency.

Look, you’ve never tanked this dungeon with 800ms and everyone knows it. You’ve never attempted Devos spear with Oceanic/US latency and everyone knows it.

Stop arguing about something that you know nothing about.

You can make the claim all you want that I haven’t done something fact is your wrong.

Fact is have done exactly that and more than once at that. Playing over cell wifi results in 600-800 ms as shown by wow. Have done spores and the spear on devos like so.

You not being able to do something dosent mean others can’t. Fact is I have been able to do exactly that.

You do know where devos is due to her sitting there for so long between moves you know what direction she was heading in and you know when she moves on your screen as such you know where she in unless you are 8 secs behind and at 600-800 ms your not that far behind.

No, you haven’t.

It’s pretty amazing that you know so little about the game that you think that your story is any way believable.

You haven’t tanked anything with 800ms latency. Your buttons literally wouldn’t work.

You can claim that all you want fact is your wrong on that.

not true I live in Korea and play on American servers. I always have 180 ping I have hit the boss many times.

Ive also tanked with 500+ ping its doable. Will you push keys with it? No but it can be done

As have I.

But I also have missed many times. The point isn’t that you can never hit Devos. The point is that you can’t reliably hit her with that latency.

And missing even once bricks your key, after 40 minutes getting there. It’s not an acceptable risk.

Ive also tanked with 500+ ping its doable.

500 is doable. 800 is not. Input lag at that latency would make your character basically unplayable, let alone reacting to game mechanics on top of that.

I have posted about the devos spear bugs previously here: Devos Spear is bugged in 3 different ways and only 1 of them was fixed

There are 3 bugs associated with the spear on the final boss encounter in Spires Of Ascension.

The first bug (spear not working on far left or far right), which was fixed last reset, can be seen here:

The 2nd bug is inherent in the targeting reticule system that is used in this encounter and a bunch of awful world quests. The targeting reticule will magnetically attach to the closest object in its path. On the spires fight, this is often the bubble that is cast by the friendly Kyrian, which is invisible to the person operating the spear. This will cause the spear to fail completely and just fall to the ground.

There is a video of this bug here:

The third bug I believe to be latency related and the spear will just fail even though obviously hitting Devos. A video of this can be found here:
and here:

Nothing has been done to address the 2nd two bugs on Devos which are still wrecking otherwise timed keys by wiping groups due to a buggy vehicle mechanic which has no place in serious play.


I had this issue on a 13 yesterday, and failed to time the key because of it. Not sure if it was ping related or not, as I’ve done US groups before (as someone from OCE) and never had trouble with the spear. But yesterday I ‘missed’ Devos twice, and we wiped twice, even though the spear clearly hit her.

Whether or not ping is a factor, there’s definitely a problem with the hit detection on this fight, and Blizzard need to fix it.

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blizz needs to remove it let 1 player click on the thing and let the boss go back