Devos' Motivations

I never particularly got a villain vibe from her, maybe because I see Bastion as a terrible place to begin with. Does the game do a better job of making her into the villain she supposedly is?

She seems to have started the rebellion because she saw that the current order was what allowed the Shadowlands to become threatened in the first place. So in a way she started out trying to pursue the purest of Bastion’s ideals, that being to help protect the Shadowlands, but then slowly started going further and further.

At this point, the point we fight her, it’s become no longer about fixing things but just sweeping them away and breaking them, which of course plays into the Jailer’s hands.


So it’s less cackling villainy and more tragic refusal to see reason and stop before she makes things worse. I suppose that’s better.


After seeing the Machine of Death as practically being a lie(it doesn’t keep the Maw sealed) she contacted the Jailer and he told her a story of how he was betrayed rather than the other way round and that by ending all things he can shatter the prison everyone is in.

She has fallen into the same trap as Amon from StarCraft 2.

She, the Jailer and Sylvanas all see reality itself as a Prison and that Oblivion will set them all free.

Bastion has an ancient Greek theme, and ancient Greeks loooooooooved their tragedies. It fits.


That was what Amon wanted? He was so generic and ineffective I kinda forgot his motivation.

No matter, we’ll just get a firey space angel to vaporize the jailer and we’re all home in time for tea.

It would be nice at some point we don’t fight her and we actually fix the system of Bastion’s Ideals. As much as it seems peacefully it’s not really free will if you have to lose everything of your own person and become a Angel with no Past Identity of remembering your hardships, friends, and etc that you made as a mortal in life.

(Commentary): Kind of missing the point of Bastion. Souls aren’t sent there unless they belong there. Certain types of souls, the selfless ones that would give everything for the cause, or damaged souls in need of a fresh start who have the capacity to be selfless, end up in Bastion. For these souls, detaching themselves from their lives gives them a fresh, unbiased perspective as well as a second chance in death.

(Commentary): Look at Uther as an example. He was unable to give up his past. What happened? Did Arthas get sent to the Arbiter as he should have? No. He was dropped into the Maw. This is a breach of the Kyrian’s responsibilities. Imagine if Sky Admiral Rogers winds up in Bastion, and she decides to just yeet every single Horde soul directly into the Maw.

(Commentary): Is Bastion’s system perfect? No. But it’s ideal for what the Kyrians themselves do. What we’re seeing with the Forsworn is the machinations of a malevolent power purposefully sabotaging the covenant. No soul should ever wind up in Bastion that cannot successfully become a Kyrian.


It is not going to be an enjoyable story for me. The entire Devos, Uther, and the Forsworn all come out of the Archon of Bastion being an idiot. And I have the feeling we aren’t going to be able to remove the idiot from power.

If the Archon had just taken the time to examine Uther herself or send another Paragon to investigate him and confirm his wound then so much could have been averted.

This is just like a major flaw with horror stories, you need people to do idiotic things for the story to move forward but in horror stories the idiots are usually dealt with by the villain, but I have the feeling we are going to run all over the place saving the Archon from her own mistakes.

(Commentary): Conversely, Devos could’ve just asked the Archon to examine the wound in Uther’s soul for herself, rather than calling out the path.

True, I wasn’t saying Devos was correct, just saying the Archon was wrong as well.

I am pretty sure Devos is getting her comeuppance. Is the Archon getting hers as well? I personally doubt it but we will see.

(Speculative): Considering that Bastion is in complete disarray, her Paragon of Loyalty betrayed her (assuming I’m remembering Devos’ rank correctly), and she’s been factually and categorically shown to be wrong as the Maw Walker is a living mortal saving the Shadowlands, I’d argue, yes, the Archon is getting her comeuppance and then some.

(Commentary): I’d still like to see the Kyrians adopt a policy where they can retain their memories if so they desire, as development for the Covenant through the expansion. Maybe we’ll even see a new role emerge in the Covenant specifically for such Kyrians. While being impartial and unbiased is important in bringing souls to the Shadowlands and certainly necessitates a loss of memory, I’m sure there are other functions that could be filled that don’t require such sacrifice.

The Archon’s mistake was being too rigid. Devos’ mistake was siding with the WoW devil in a revolution killing a bunch of innocents.

But as Exacitor says (putting aside punishment seems unnecessary), Bastion is getting screwed pretty hard. Which is why we have to help it.


Yes, Devos was the Paragon of Loyalty.

And I guess we will see if the Archon grows from this experience.

Yeah, neither one of them was correct.


Yeah, but scale also exists.

I will say, if there’s a better way, hopefully they figure it out. I do think the ending stuff with her in that scene is hopeful on that front.