Devokers need buff in M+ (10+)

Hey, everyone!

It was an ordinary day, after work I decided to go into the game and play my dragon, nothing foreshadowed trouble… until I was invited in M+ group with ret paladin and enh shaman, so I’m sure you already got what this post is about.

As a result, I dealt about 60-70% of the damage each of them did (I don’t count bombardment), what is wrong with this game? Developers have complete indifference to their community and to the game!

Pyre’s damage is pathetic! Disintegrate’s x3 targeting is useless on M11+ dungeons with large packs, it have to be x6 (M+ key lvl divided by 2) or somthing like this.

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You all good, its not us its Blizzard “balance”. I feel the same. Dev evo doing +2 key with 4 pc tier set and bis trinkets at ilvl 588. Ilvl 578, 571 Destro lock and Balance druid were doing 20-30% more damage then I do. Not sure if it gets better with higher item gear, but it doesn’t feel as it did in Dragon flight.

FYI Enh shaman and Retro Pally are broken :slight_smile: But Blizz doesn’t care


While dev isn’t amazing in high keys, you absolutely shouldn’t have a delta this big between you and others.

Why would you not count 9%+ of your damage?

Because there are specs better than dev in the top 1% of keys?

No, it’s not. It primes two 12+stack CB pyres. but more importantly it applies two bombardments (that you apparently decided aren’t important).

This is probably the best place for them to give some buffs. It’s a little tricky because CB builds are what we’re using so this could get out of control, but I’d like to see some incremental buffs to pyre.

Dev is very fine in low keys. Obviously everything gets better with ilvl, but if you are getting slammed in low keys its just a practice/rotation thing (or a bad tank thing, which is very possible).

Dev could definitely use some love with damage in m+, that much is true. It also has the 4th smallest sample size of dps classes in m+ (3rd smallest in 11+ keys), so it’s hard to get a great read on how it’s actually doing.

At any rate, if you’re doing 60% less damage than other players in a key, you’re either massively outgeared, dying a lot, or not playing the rotation optimally. There’s not even CLOSE to that much of a delta between the best and worst classes.

Cause it is not visible in party group in real time and you party members think that you are bad.

Yes, this 1-5% is what acutally game is beacuse on this diffuculty plays best players, I don’t consider myself one of them. All that is needed for PVE in mythics plus and raids is to simply raise the numbers based on logs, or lower them, this is not PVP.

This is effective on 2-4 packs, when the packs are larger, the channeling time of Disintegration on 3 targets, incurs losses in damage, despite the fact that the next Pyre’s damage will be almost x2.

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If people in an 11 don’t understand how the class works that’s on them–it doesn’t mean you can effectively exclude 10% of your damage when talking about the specs throughout, lol…

It’s effective on everything, two bombardments applied to a big pack and maintained is a LOT of damage.

Again, the spec could use a little love. That said, you conveniently ignoring a ton of your overall damage when complaining about said damage is a little absurd.

It doesn’t matter if it shows on details or not-- you’re comparing your damage in details to others and claiming they’re bearing you by 40-60% (they’re not even close to this unless you’re doing something VERY wrong), but in reality they have a good amount less damage that belongs to you, and you have about 10% more.

I’d love to see the log from this run.

Just want to see my favorite specialization in the game at least equal in damage to others, if you are satisfied with everything, it is your right, someone likes to be average all their life or somewhere behind others, but this is not about me.


I literally just said the spec can use some love.

You are making claims about your DPS deficiency based on details which is a massively incorrect lens to be viewing your DPS through.

Each other player in the dungeon is getting 2-3% of their DPS from you and when you look at logs it’s a dramatic swing.

You should be running auto logs so that you can actually see your DPS. You’re not doing that and complaining anyways.

Brother I’ve seen your logs–this statement applies much more to you than me.

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Because its not being attributed to you in details. Have to look at logs for actual damage numbers.

Yes I very much understand that and am trying to communicate that to him, lol.

I got you lol

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Would help if I read the rest of the posts beforehand. Skipped over doing that since I was only on break at work.

Sorry bout that.

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Yeah all G, this guy has sort of become this forum’s troll and I shouldn’t keep taking the bait.

Could you please link your main so we can inspect and perhaps help you/guide you?

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Lol, what are you talking about, clown, you play aug most of pulls, and x3 on Rasha’nan as prevoker.

It’s not for you to tell me this, I love it enough.

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I play whatever spec is needed on a fight.

You claimed that I’m satisfied with mediocrity. That statement is spec agnostic. You are averaging grey parses in mythic and green parses in heroic.

I am averaging blue parses in mythic and purple in heroic.

I’m not even parse shaming–you asserted that I am satisfied with average performance and yet my performance is above-average while yours is below.

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Oh really? You can’t play deva all bosses, so sad, just intersting if you play arcane mage should you have to recspec on each boss?

Haha, just tell me, as a devastation evoker? Just answer.

I will answer for you, as devoker you killed only 2 bosses and you are grey and green on Ulgrax the Devourer, and grey on The Bloodbound Horror, even that bad player as I green on him twice.

So, sh*t less here in the comments, when in fact you are nothing special.

And yes, my RIO higher than yours.

Eregos-Karazhan EU

I would not say broken (ret pally or enhance) but I would love to see devastation evoker do better damage. Not sure why the spec has been frowned on and ignored ever since Aug released.

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I was averaging a 94 parse in mythic all s4 lol, I have done like one dev pull in mythic.

I’m by FAR outperforming you with it in heroic either way (literally by 40%), and that was with a guild that had slow kill times lol.

Again, I play the spec that’s needed.

Furthermore, your assertion that I’m ‘okay with mediocrity’ while you’re clearly sub-par is what’s at play here.

I’m just afk in HM, sorry, man.

So I play the spec I like to play.

Your opinion means nothing to me, in all 3 aspects of the game, I am better than you at the moment as devoker, pvp, mythic dungeons and raids.

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You’re literally not, homie.

You’re grey parsing mythic raid (are you afk for that, too?).

Spec is irrelevant to your claim, as you get compared with other people playing what you’re playing. I’m playing at an above average level, and you are below–so it’s YOU who is okay with sub par performance my dude.

Stay delusional, stay bad. Stop insulting others for ‘accepting mediocrity’ when you’re worse than 75% of the people playing your spec.

Then don’t invite the comparison with your own insults, lmao.

I have no interest in parse shaming anyone, but when you tell me that I’m okay with not performing well when I clearly perform better relative to the rest of players in my specs than you do, I’m going to respond to that.

You’re as bad at trolling as you are at evoker-- have a good one bud, I’m done with your antics and it’s happy hour time.