Devilsaur, mount. Why not?!

So the starter on my truck won’t start, in the middle of this cold ( country, and I got to thinking: a Devilsaur wouldn’t need to be jump started. And that got me thinking: we got all the dinosaurs saddled up, except the coolest one of the bunch. And THAT got me thinking: Dino Riders was cool af. And THAT got me thinking: ma momz never got me the T-Rex, cuz it was too expensive. It was the one I wanted the most. But it is what it is.

Hypothermia might have set in.

Anyway, why don’t we have a Devilsaur mount? Yeah I see that we might be getting a robo-rex in 11.1, but it’s not really the same thing. I’m now genuinely curious why all this time, we never got an actual Devilsaur all Dino Rider’d up like the rest.

Seems like they’re passing up one of the most obvious “Shut up and take my money” moves there could be.

Seriously, what could possibly be more baddie, than riding around on a gd Tyrannosaurus? I did the math, don’t rack your brain: nothing!!

Stop passing money up, Blizzard. Make it happen!

Also, my feet are numb. I might need a blanket. Kidding… sorta.


Only issue is a full sized Devilsaur is huge. Now toss a Tauren on top of it and well… everyone knows what Tauren do to the scale of mounts.

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Yeah but the Brutosaur kinda shows that it’s doable. Doesn’t need to be a full Rezan size variant, we can drape out one of their smaller cousins.

We can build them. We have the technology. Stronger. Faster. Better.


It does make it significantly more likely that you’ll get what you want, though.

Now that they have the skeleton made for robo-rex, re-skins and re-models are certain to follow!

I dont think a devilsaur would start at all in that cold, but sure it could be fun to have.

Then I can cut them open and use them for warmth. Their sacrifice honored.

Win win either way.

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There’s a Mecha-Devilsair mount available in 11.1, it’s from the new raid.

oh my god look at its swim animation

The arms!!! :rofl:

Blizzard understood the assignment! The more I look at it… I’m content with this.

Gdammit, I’m gonna have to find a way to raid now, aren’t I?

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Maybe the back spike thingies the devilsaur has would get in the way of the saddle.

Look that’s all I got when it comes to thinking up possible excuses for them to not be a mount.

I mean, blizzard is obviously giving away the farm lately. Might as well ask for one. :rofl:

It should have been the zandalari paladin mount!