Devils Den is back for Shadowlands to bring the fight to the Horde. Wpvp, rated content and progression through PvE. Currently 8/10N and 1/10H we intend to do it all…again. Currently Raiding Tues, Wens and Thurs, 7-10pm server. We bolster an active roster of knowledgeable players and a guild calendar full of activates weekly. Since the guilds founding in 2012 and through its many re-vamps, one thing has held true, this guild will never die. If interested in joining or even just teaming up for wpvp, feel free to add my btag Devilx#11646
Welcome back!
Thanks Bud
Welcome front!
Are you really the devil?
are you really the Heltor?
Sometimes, and other times I’m Muff Johnson
plague of the Horde, mutilation artist, mass murderer. ladies and gentlemen, THE Heltor
Bump for the HOOOOMIIIIIIIES! ~Janken
Thanks my dude
Bump for trucks
them big uns in the sonic parking lot!
Insert witty bumping text here.
We are now actively recruiting for the upcoming raid tier. Lf Healers and exceptional DPS. If interested, feel free to whisper in-game.
bumping it up need raiders
Looking for healers and ranged Dps for CN. currently 7/10N and 1/10H
Always looking for good folks!
Great guild , I ought to know since I was one of the founding members back in 2012 … lol. Good folks always willing to step in and lend a hand where needed. Give us a try , we won’t disappoint.
Looking for ranged DPS and healers as we push into heroic CN. currently 7/10N 1/10H
Bump awerness