Devil's Advocate: WhY aReN'T wE gEtTiNg PeRmInEnT wRaTh SeRvErS


Because TBC didn’t get permanent servers.

Because Blizzard literally stated [citation needed] that they are only leaving vanilla era servers perm.

Same reason why cata wont have them.

p.s stop posting on your alts making it seem like there is more of you that want perm servers.

pps, see you in cata.

edit, I stand corrected its “Permanent”


Permanent* is what you meant.

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Sure why not, Shakespeare couldn’t spell either :3

But he did know how to use type case correctly. Type like an adult, not an idiot.

That’s ok, you understand just the same :3

I feel attacked…


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Nah, I’m just sick of the floor of threads, I want to read a forum about a broad range of topics within the version of the game I’m playing.

Right now its a flood of Perm servers PL0x

Yeah nah I know I just found it funny.

It’s also pretty funny that the ones that make the posts have little to no posts, often it being their very first post on that character.

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I do have a question about that I have always wondered but never really asked (or care much to ask) but now I’m going to ask…

Why do people type like that with the type case? I always wondered. Anyone care to explain?

Great question! I associate it with the internet meme of Mocking Spongebob, where it distinctly alternates caps inconsistently to replicate a sarcastic mocking tone. If you search mocking spongebob you’ll hit the source


A person who believes there should be WotLK servers arguing for them not to be implemented would be a Devil’s Advocate, typically used for people with the same point of view to explore and strengthen their positions.

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Then those people just mock back at the people mocking them.

Like it shouldn’t be a big deal at all to get permanent wrath classic and to ask for them until we get them. Anyone who fails to understand that is just completely clueless in my op.

I think most people use it to mean sarcasm.


Nope, if Blizzard can keep the lights on the classic era and hardcore servers then they are more than capable of giving us TBC and Wrath permanent servers.

Would it be profitable? I would be willing to bet that both iterations have net more money than classic era thanks to all the microtransactions and bundles sold in the store (for better or worse), but that’s just my opinion based on anecdotal evidence from other games.

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Yes they are.

You would be willing to bet? Here’s a news flash for you. Blizzard have the actual statistics. And I have no doubt they have done a cost benefit analysis and that is what they make their decisions from. You think that classic would generate more income than microtransactions? You have not been around as long as I have been. The token has been a massive cash cow for Blizzard and if I remember correctly at one point (not sure if it is still the case) was a bigger revenue earner than an entire expansion. In 2021 61% of ALL of Blizzards revenue was from microtransactions.


I wish TBC and Wrath had permanent servers. If they did, I would never go past TBC. That said, I’m excited for Cataclysm.

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expansion after TBC was actually good so porkwater okay with no TBC server. Porkwater never endure bad cata expansion again.

:cut_of_meat: :ocean:

Still waiting on permanent TBC

Don’t hold your breath. Having said that Blizzard may change their mind and announce it out of the blue. Just don’t count on it.