I started with alliance as there is where my friends were. I got other friends who I found out played and were horde…I leveled a horde and played with both. it isn’t hard and didn’t take long to level the horde.
How would you fix the faction imbalance that gets worse with every expansion then?
** * Guilds will remain single-faction, and random matchmade activities like Heroic dungeons, Skirmishes, or Random Battlegrounds will all remain same-faction (both because there is less faction-driven pressure around random groups, and to avoid compromising the opt-in nature of the feature by randomly placing a queuing orc in a group with a night elf).**
You guys aren’t listening at all. I don’t need more players to run current content with. As a casual, I need more players to run 9.0 and BFA raids with and less than a 60 minute freaking wait to run Epic BG which is the only reason I even still play this game. LFG queues are trash and “elite” content like M+, Rated BG and Arenas just aren’t available to me with my work schedule and adult responsibilities. I need to be able to hop on, get in a BG, earn CONQUEST POINTS (because you say that’s the only way to buy PVP gear) and hop off ASAP. BG and open world was the PVP that made me fall in love with WoW, (i.e what New World and Mortal Online 2 are bringing to the market). Now that open world is gone and you have made BGs low brow, is there anything left for me here? THIS is why casual games are trouncing Blizzard, and it’s costing your investors.
How do you fix the servers that are 97% alliance and 3% horde?
The better solution was to find a way to reinvigorate the game in order to get an actual organic increase of players instead of the illusion of an increase by way of tearing down the faction barrier.
Tearing down the faction barrier is the cheap way out.
Making a good game that would win the hearts of players both new and old is the prize. Faction issues aren’t a word in that scenario
Cross faction gameplay. Which they are doing. The question still remains. How would YOU solve it?
They tried that with Allied Races, and it didn’t work.
EXACTLY, LFG is where they should have started for Random BGs and Raids. Queue times see out of control on some servers.
Believe me my friend, there is a whole world of creative and innovative solutions if one is only willing to believe.
I don’t think it needs fixed. I play on multiple servers with friends of different factions and it isn’t a problem to adult and do it.
Even going with randoms isn’t a problem but rather based on class. Learn to tank or heal and you cut times down by 90%.
Join a guild and run with people in the guild. That was part of the whole reasons there are guilds.
Allow ANY race to pick between Horde and Alliance. They just did basically the same thing with Covenants. Pick your faction, level to Max lvl, then allow change with a cooldown. Even in DND you can choose your character’s alignment at the start. Fixed.
Now just let me grind conquest in Random BGs.
Then there’s no point in continuing this discussion. If you genuinely believe that faction imbalance isn’t an issue, then arguing with you is a waste of time. You are blinded by your own selfish reasons to maintain this illusion of faction conflict, no matter how it may handicap other players in actual gameplay.
I work and have a wife and kids. There is no way I can make scheduled guild activities. I’m lucky to get a few hours a week on random days late at night. Adulting sucks, but instead of golf or drinking with coworkers at a bar, I come home, eat late, kiss the kids night and hop on when I can.
Imagine if we had like 5 factions. Lawful good Alliance, chaotic good Horde, neutral Brokers, lawful evil Scarlet Crusade, and chaotic evil Scourge.
If they could find a way to remake factions that you will be absolutely locked into, we may be back in business.
I honestly might be in heaven. We played AC and I have never found a game with such fun PVP because you could go red on anyone. More people to kill is my wish for WOW.
Tanks and healers have the same queue times in Random BGs. Don’t get me started on just queueing for AV. Hope you have an entire evening to wait to play 2 you may or may not win. Silly system.
You misspelled worgen
You’re right because you can’t see anything but cry cry I hate everything and I can’t have my way. Blizzard change the game to fit me and not the 25+ years of story you’ve made where the factions have NEVER gotten along. This is to the point of “though there will be several older instances that cross-faction parties cannot enter, at least for now: Battle of Dazar’alor, Trial of the Crusader, Icecrown Citadel (remember that Gunship Battle?), and a handful of others that similarly have extensive faction-specific components that will have to be reworked to support cross-faction parties.” Icecrown was as close as it got to the factions getting along and even then they killed each other. I guess lets just rework it and have 0 history. In fact there was no wars and everyone loves the other so we can all just sing and love the land. All the worlds are at peace and you just wonder around doing nothing and get xp to level and do more of nothing.