I think this is a great first step, and very nice that they fast-tracked it in instanced content.
I’m hoping that they consider guilds in the future and opening up open world /s once a party/raid has been formed.
I think this is a great first step, and very nice that they fast-tracked it in instanced content.
I’m hoping that they consider guilds in the future and opening up open world /s once a party/raid has been formed.
Once in a party together, members of the opposite faction will remain unfriendly while in the “outdoor” world (and fully hostile in War Mode!), as they do today, though they will be able to communicate through party chat.
There should be an option for party members to temporarily join the party leader’s faction too.
Amazing, but please do cross-faction guilds. If not now, at least in 10.0.
That could result in some really interesting roleplay and organized world PvP opportunities. A PvP oriented community could use that to stage organized battles out in the world.
But yes, cross-faction guilds please.
Finally, after TEN THOUSAND YEARS! we can finally say to our fiends on the other side. “we can play the game, and take down our foe rather than play alone and divided.” where group content would be limited to playing “meme” posts in discord…
Welp it’s a start hopefully eventually they’ll add cross faction guilds and an opt in for cross faction matchmaking on matchmade content
and you drive others away from the game.
please, unifying factions is something you may have done a long time ago.
I will always be alliance, but I stopped playing for refusing to go to the horde with my friends. I ran out of friends in the alliance. It’s fair?
we play the same game and we can’t play together
As an Orc I have to wonder, what will I make my roads out of now that we are all co-existing peacefully.
Draenei pavers really are one of a kind when building a road of glory.
Way to ruin years of great lore.
Hopefully, the consideration is given to systems that ensure the game does not force players at later stages to play cross-faction in order to be part of game content. You know, ensuring it does not become a barren wasteland to those who decide to stay true to the game identity.
This doesn’t do enough. If you’re going cross faction, go all the way or don’t bother at all. It’s obvious that the people who refuse to do things with the other faction are a fringe minority.
Look at the server population of your typical realm for proof. PvP classic realms? All 95% one faction and 5% of the other. People want to play and talk and be in the guilds of as many people as possible.
Look at RP realms even. What used to be balanced is now slowly turning into lopsided factions as well. One realm dominated by horde, the other dominated by Alliance. Because turns out… when people want to RP they want to actually be able to communicate with more than half of their servers population. Shocker I know.
Some basic features like guilds and chatting with random people that walk by you should not be gatekept by some outdated philosophy. No I do not intend to add every opposite faction character to my battletag list to talk to them. Battletags should be reserved for friends.
Make it an all or nothing “opt in” choice. If those of us who want true cross faction wants to opt into the ability to talk, be in guilds, do the same quests, and walk around the same cities. Let us opt into that. The fringe minority who want to play with nobody? Let them remain alone. Let the community make its decision together. Don’t force us into some garbage half assed solution that makes nobody happy.
All the top PvE guilds will continue to be horde. All the servers will continue to favor one faction over the other. We have a game world where the idea of two factions existing is slowly dwindling into nothing. If things remain down this path with this half assed solution we will only have one faction being played by the community.
Like seriously, random bgs and heroics will not have a way for me to opt into a faster queue? Because having everyone in the same queue will always make it faster. Merc Mode was another half assed solution because it was clunky and still didn’t solve the initial problem of just making us all part of the same queue. Stop wasting our time. Let the community play this damn game together already.
Funny how I can go into FF14 and talk to anyone of the three different armies and join their guilds no issue. But WoW still limits us. Remember that time my Viera in FF14 walked into the wrong town and got murdered by guards because I wanted to see what a friend of mine was doing? Oh right… I don’t. But WoW this will still be a thing.
Like others have already said: “Baby Steps”
They need to work through the code and get it working properly. They can’t just flip a switch overnight.
The cold truth is, it will become exactly what you fear. This is something the majority of people wanted and is what the majority of people will use. The number of people, who will want to avoid it, is already small and will get smaller. Eventually it will reach a point, where making a full raid group will be nearly impossible (unless it’s guild or a group of regulars). You will have to adapt.
I just want to point out we literally had members of the horde and alliance standing side by side with each other at the gates of Orgrimmar. But if my nightelf decided to walk into Orgrimmar even with these changes all that lore and “break the cycle” nonsense amounts to squat because I’ll get killed on site.
Oh sorry guys, I guess you forgot the time I helped saurfang and thrall get their city back from a shadowlands brainwashed leader. Or forgot how a nightelf leader literally invited thrall and his family to their wedding in the new nightelf capital of Hyjal.
I miss when my server had both factions in it. But eveyone left to WRA because thats where all the horde were. Now all 10+ of my horde characters are stuck on a dead realm for my faction and I can either reroll everyone or pay hundreds of dollars to go back to having a community.
All of my property is still stuck and split across the factions. I can’t give my gold to an alt on the wrong faction. Despite the AH being merged ages ago. But it’s good that the majority of us are getting screwed over because some racist nerd (not the person I’m talking to, or any specific person btw. Just a generalization.) that takes faction pride way too seriously wouldn’t want to have their experience “ruined” as if they’re still playing WC1 and the lore hasn’t long moved on past unity by now. Well enjoy the future of every server having a dead faction for the rest of time I guess… makes me really hype to play the game.
one word blizzard, one word:
There is always the stop playing option. Which it the devs go the path of forcing players to go cross-faction, great - have fun everyone.
At that point, I will just walk away and find something else.
Does this mean Major cities will be faction neutral? If so… awww, I loved stalking the alleyways of Stormwind for that lone Alliance player on my rogue.
Bye, you and the rest of your kind are an obvious minority. This is why “PvP” servers were always dominated by 95% of one faction and nobody played the 5%. If they wanted to play the other faction they’d just go to the one where their faction was the 95%.
Keep living this delusion that the community doesn’t want to be united and play the same game together.
I don’t even know where to start with this. I guess lets start at the first war. Horde come to a place they aren’t from because they destroyed where they’re from and now it’s dying. The Humans push them back trying to keep them from taking over their world. Then war 2 comes and they bring in dragons to help them take over this land by force and more people join each side. Once again the Alliance push them out of their lands and then destroy the dark portal leading to their lands. Yet they keep coming to from another world to alliance held land. That was quick and dirty history of Alliance and Horde factions. At no point have they ever been friends. At one point they weren’t attack on sight but still weren’t friends and didn’t get along. Even WOTLK they weren’t friends. You can’t do some raids because of the battles in it between some of the factions. Why would they ever join forces to do some runs?
This is a great change, and something I have been pushing since the end of MoP.
Have to ask though, exactly how many people have quit the game for this to actually come to fruition? lol