Developers please fix the mouse wheel bug!

Since the arrival of the pre patch there is a big problem with the use of the mouse wheel in the game.

As soon as the mouse pointer ends up on a spell on the action bar, the mouse wheel stops working.

It’s really frustrating because I bind on my mousewheel the two techniques that I use most often.

After several tries advised to solve other mouse problem without result, I made a ticket and the Tech Specialist confirmed to me that he had the same problem.

Here is the response of the Tech Specialist :


Hey there,

Tech Specialist Lorrothir at your service :slight_smile: Thanks for following up with us on this!

I actually use the mouse wheel to play a lot too, and never really noticed this. However when I tested it myself I too am unable to use scroll wheel to cast abilities while hovering over an item/spell!

Since Game Masters are not privy to change decisions made by the developers I can’t really say if this is considered a bug or just an undocumented change. My best advice would be to post this info on our forums as a suggestion for change! That way other players who play the same way can join in on the post and present the problem to dev together.

The devs have reverted or made new changes to the game based on player feedback many times in the past! Just takes a bit of time and effort, plus a want/need from the playerbase.

If there’s anything else you might need just let us know! Thanks for playing and enjoy the games!


I can’t imagine this being a developer’s choice. This situation clearly appears to me to be a bug.

After more than 10 years of playing with my mouse wheel I can’t imagine changing the way I play this game.

As the Tech Specialist advised me to write on the forum to ask that the situation return to normal when the mouse wheel was working properly I am writing to you today to ask for your support on this topic so that the developers hear us and correct the problem.

Please community help me.

I would like to know if you are able to bind a spell on your mouse and use this spell when your mouse pointer is on your action bar (without using action bar addon)

Let developpers know that the mouse wheel issue needs to be fixed

Thank you a lot for your support :slight_smile:


It is not the same problem that caused by addons.

Unfortunately the problem caused by the addons has overshadowed this very real bug caused by the prepatch.

I have never installed an Addon so this cannot be the problem and as mentioned previously a Tech Specialist confirmed to me that it came from the prepatch

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Definitely not addon issue. UnInstalled twitch off comp entirely and deleted all addons files. Followed instructions on ticket for resetting Ui. Still same mouse wheel bug. Was suggested to submit bug which I did and to post in the guide UI macro section of forums. Long descriptive post there “Mouse Wheel Keybinds”

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And the click bug too, the mouse doesn’t “blink” when you click anymore.

Posted a link to several threads on the issue here