Developer Update: A Look at What’s Ahead for Wrath of the Lich King Classic


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Good job, you copy and pasted stuff from non-credible websites. /slowclap

After demonstrating your own lack of intelligence, you may leave now.

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Leave wrath alone.
It was the best expansion ever made and I don’t trust you guys to do anything.

Stop putting in stuff that wasn’t there and stop taking away stuff that was. SOM was a complete and utter failure. Learn from your mistake.

  1. Removing RDF:
    • Gear Score made finding groups more challenging.
    • RDF had been a refreshing and creative solution for that issue back in OG WotLK.
    • Dungeon Boosting is a problem.
    • Players boost because they don’t like spending their time leveling.
    • RDF made leveling easier/faster/more efficient.

Suggested fix:
- Eliminate the cross-server aspect and incorporate cross-faction instead.
- Remind players that they can still use the LFG channel and are still certainly able to reach out to guildies and friends to form groups.

  1. Token Drops/Challenging Dungeons/Player Time Management:
  • The perk to picking up new gear is completing content more efficiently.
  • WotLK had TONS of things to do: rep grinds, achievement grinds, dailies, raids, Wintergrasp, great zones for materials farming, rare pet taming, mount farming, etc.
    - RDF made it possible to make the most of the player’s time. Didn’t have to wait while a group formed. Didn’t have to make your way to a summoning stone. Players were free to maximize their time spent in the game.
    - With so many things to do, why would I want dungeons to become more challenging as I become geared? I want to be able to fly through the dungeon so I can spend my time taming pets, picking up new mounts, accumulating achievement points, etc. I also honestly want to feel powerful, as if picking up that new gear was a quality of life improvement for me.

Suggested fix:
- Stop making unnecessary changes that impact how a player must utilize their time in game. WoW shouldn’t feel like a chore. Dailies are enough of a grind. Let the players speed through them to get to do the other content that each player enjoys. This was the 1 expansion where players enjoyed the huge buffet that WoW had to offer.

amazing how they have the perfect game in hands and still manage to eff it up


All these changes are just bad. leave it alone.


There has to be some sort of award for that, right?

That article has a lot of flowery language

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I hope with the slight buffs to Naxx, we don’t make phase 1 too short. Something I’ve felt with classic is it all feels a bit too quick. I guess I understand that a lot of people are blasting through the content, and boredom kicks in, so faster phases are for that, but I still think it’s a bit hasty, I’m not sure how the devs could address that, especially for the most anticipated classic expansion, would be a shame to blast through it and not savour it.


This is absolute insanity. What are you guys doing, honestly? I can imagine so many of us were pumped for WOTLK classic. Leave it the way it was. It’s as simple as that.


Speaking of arena forums I think it’s about time for a town roast, whoops I mean town hall around here hosted by Bloom since the first one went so well.

Didn’t yall make heroics hard in cata… how did that work out?


I think most all of the people who are complaining about no dungeon finder and a minor difficulty bump are doing so because when people get to choose weather to take them to a dungeon or not they opt for not. If you are a decent player, and pleasant to be around… you end up on dozens of people’s friends list. As a result, you end up getting invited to do the daily heroics, or fill a spot in a raid… even if youre a solo player. Most of us have guilds with whom to level in dungeons or farm badges. Stop complaining because your “Force people to take me to a dungeon and carry me to free rewards” button was taken away.


I guess my question is, why are these not a part of retail?

All I get from this post and the announced changes news article is that Blizzard knows absolutely nothing about the game and instead rely on their mistaken notions of today’s players.
None of these changes make even an ounce of difference and instead detract from the overall WOTLK experience.
I’m looking forward to the exact same shoddy leveling experience I’m still currently having in TBCC.

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No they didn’t do Rachel balancing in tbc If when undead was overpowered so what’s the difference now?

that was alot of para-graph’s about nothing

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Can you just not? So many of these ideas are awful just give us the classic experience not what is essentially SOM Wotlk. What sounds like Mythic+ to keep dungeons relevant? They are literally always relevant even without your meddling.

Don’t let any of these proposed ideas through please this is getting ridiculous.


This post is a perfect illustration of why the Random Dungeon Finder is being excluded from Classic, and why that’s a good thing.

When you queue for a Random Dungeon, you have no idea or control over who you’re going to be grouped up with. It could easily contain someone who has nothing but disdain for their fellow players, and is merely using them as disposable tools to further their own wealth and/or progress.

This doesn’t align with the first pillar of “Protect and Nurture Social Experiences”, and I’m grateful that Blizzard has heard this feedback loud and clear, and taken the appropriate actions.

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In terms of The World is the Main Character pillar…

Im curious if the team has thought about perhaps making older content like… “killing Kael (for that epic mount drop)” a weekly quest.

The idea I’m proposing is: making older content relevant by creating a weekly quest that asks you to go run one of the older raids with a group of champions. Perhaps it’s slaying Vashj, Kael, maybe even Illidan? The quest would reward something like two emblems , and some gold. I personally think it would be a great way to keep the world feeling large and a nice way to bring the community together by doing some older content together with a meaningful reward.

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