Dragonrage’s cooldown has never been able to be reduced. Ever. Not by talent, not by essence burst, not by empowered spells, nothing.
Pyre’s base damage beats out non-mass disintegrate disintegrates after 3 targets. After 8 targets, it actually becomes stronger than mass disintegrate.
Dev’s mastery was EXTREMELY POWERFUL before, and it was nerfed because 80% of our damage was happening during Dragonrage windows and our damage was awful outside of it.
Because we have lots of damage besides our 2 minute CD.
You are probably not sure how to do the logs, because you’re probably looking at Overall damage and not separating Boss and Trash damage. Also, for your logs, you were below the tank in boss damage because you died three times and the ret was below you in boss damage. Only one who consistently did more than you for trash and bosses was the shaman.
So yeah, you might want to double-check your play first.
If you would like, I could help you out because just from a glance, comparing we both did a +10 mists one day apart, I did one one the 12th, you did one on the 13th, here’s the main difference between our runs.
My run was 19:33 and yours was 26:36
I cast Deep Breath 25 times, you cast it 26 times which means you are losing a lot of casts to only get one extra cast over 7 minutes.
I had 1,018 hits of Bombardments and you had 849, which means you might not have been hitting the right targets for Mass Disintegrate.
I had 290 million damage from Pyre, you had 101 million. Which means you may not have been utilizing Charged Blast, or completely ignoring Pyre entirely.
I had 9 Dragon Rages, you had 10, which means you were sitting on it too long to only get one extra DR in 7 minutes.
Since you’re not running Event Horizon, that means your Shattering Star and Eternity Surges would be dysnced because of our 4pc, which also costs you a bit of damage.
Your renewing blaze usage was also low, there’s no reason not to use it when there’s damage going out and since you didn’t use it at all on Tredova, that would be a big contributor to death, besides standing in pools.
Hover uptime also seems low, <20% hover uptime? It should be over 40% for Scalecommander because there’s no reason not to.
Also… No embellishments? I wonder where all that damage is going, I wonder…
I ended up getting targeted by the stun 3 times on the first pack and derped my deep breath and sat in two full stuns on the first pack of trash and still ended at 2mil DPS overall while active, 2.4mil on trash and 1.5mil on bosses while you were at 1.5mil on trash and 955k on bosses, with the ilvl difference of 5, will offer some leeway as gear plays a factor but that’s still a sizable gap with room for improvement.