Devastation is broken

Be me >
Excited for new class >
Roll Evoker.jpg >
Class and race is fun >
Get to Mythic+ >
Deep Breath is necessary part of dps rotation >
It’s literally suicide because of it’s mechanics >
Pull half the dungeon.exe >

Why Blizzard?

This is definitely a skill issue.


Right, because steering into a wall halfway through deep breath takes skill.

Apparently it does lol. You can cancel the deep breath mid flight and return back to your original spot, easily.

Cancel deep breath my dude. Hit the button again or use a cancelaura macro. You have full control over the deep breath – you could go as far as 2 feet if you wanted to.

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I stand corrected, I did not know that was possible.


Not really your fault, blizzard doesn’t mention anything about that in the Manuverability talent.

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Don’t feel bad. I didn’t know either.

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I’m fairly new to scalecommander myself and while I know that hitting the button again cancels it, it seems kinda unresponsive sometimes and I go further than I mean to while spamming the button. Do you know if a cancelaura macro is more reliable, in that it would it kill it instanty without any wierd delays before being able to do so? Maybe this is just a me issue but I don’t have bad latency or anything.

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You’re spot on! :slight_smile:

Pressing the button again works in a pinch, albiet with a small delay like you said. The cancelaura macro allows you to stop on a whim regardless of how far you’ve travelled.

With that said, the cancelaura macro is what I would personally recommend using.

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Don’t forget you can also toggle RP walking to make the flight slower as Scalecommander; This reduces the travel distance dramatically while maintaining the duration.

I would definitely suggest putting a cancelaura macro line into a few abilities like Dragonrage and Azure Strike. That way, you have a clear-cut way to cancel right when you want to as a separate button and it isn’t as likely to have you accidentally cancel deep breath too soon while casting it as having a button to start flying being different from stop flying lessens that chance of accidental double-clicks.

I have a cancel aura macro set on to just about every spell I have even heals, that way when I cast deep breath and I need to cancel it for whatever reason which is most times because I’m not trying to go to narnia 99 percent of the time it will stop me and cast the next spell I want to cast immediately. Need to deep breath into a fire breath? It’s macroed to that so as soon as I pass the 3 mobs in a cluster and then cast fire breath it immediately stops deep breath, drops me in front of those 3 mobs and casts fire breath. It’s worked for me well that way so far.

Here is something I am unsure as to why it functions this way.

When Deep Breath is done, one cannot use any heals etc but any of the opposing team can hit you, stop you etc. You are not immune.

How? Why?

At least let the Evoker use heals or defensive cds. This should be common sense here with it already being squishy.

I am ok with opposing members damaging you while in flight, CC I am not certain on it one way or the other but at least let the Evoker be able to do something while in flight otherwise give them some sort of survivability.

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