Devastation in War Within

What changes would you like to see for Devastation in War Within?

Firestorm attaching to the target instead of ground target.

Casting all Empowerments while moving would work wonders aswell.



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For sure this. More viable builds and talent choices on the spec tree.

Defy fate moved to the explorer class tree, with a talent mode in spec tree that makes you give the aoe heal when proc’d as preservation, an aoe shield for Aug, and an aoe explosion as dev.

There’s a lot they can do to help the survivability, and that’s where they should spend most of their time. Having a DR attached to channeling disint, having a passive (constant) weaker form of renewing blaze could be cool (with talents improving it), having leech over 100% give us a consistently growing shield, and plenty of others.

The core gameplay is solid for dev, we just need a less strict build path and some reactive defensive capabilities.

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More range.

It’s becoming more apparent with each tier that they don’t really care about designing encounters with evoker’s reduced range in mind.

Either that or full mobility like BM hunter.

I mean this for devastation specifically, Devastation is more punished whenever it has to stop casting, while Aug can easily recover, and Pres barely has to stop to cast anything.

I guess alternatively they could design a talent that replaces Disintegrate with something else. In the alpha we did have an alternative spender for ST/Cleave. That was what charged blast used to be, until they changed it to shattering star. It added natural mobility to rotation because it was instant cast, and also you had to charge it up by casting two azure strikes before casting it.

Also…Azure strike used to hit up to 6 targets, we should bring that back.


Echoing strikes should be Devastation instead of Augmentation.

Maybe 6 targets aswell.

Id also say Pyre needs a revisit. The main problem i have with Pyre is that not only does it not feel impactful, it just feels lazy. Hit 1 button, get AoE damage. It feels very out of the blue for the evoker play style which has all these technical things going on like empowerment’s and flybys.

Pyres talent that makes every 10 casts cast a firestorm is amazing but id make it interact with Azure strikes instead.

Still have DragonRage (if we keep it) drop out some Pyres that hit all near by targets, why not. But make our AoE Azure Strike hitting 6 targets, and echoing, and applying firestorm.

The AoE id think would make more sense is Firestorm cast by evoker (should be instant with Essence cost), Firestorm from 10 casts of Azurestrike. and just spam Azurestrike, refreshing firestorm.

Reduce the duration of Firestorm tho. 8seconds to 4-5.

This is entirely Mobile, Talents you would have to talent into. And actually gives us a use for Azure strike outside of some weird Dragon Rage Filler.

Dragon rage should make living flame instant cast for its duration aswell just so we dont spam Azure strikes any more in single target to get procs if no living flame instants.

I also think the Mastery needs a revisit. its Unique, but extremely pointless outside of CD’s or the first 20-40seconds of the fight.

Giantkiller could also have an execute function attached or it could be completely altered to be something you are always engaged with.

Giantkiller: While above 50% health your target takes (X) increased damage by you. While damaging some one beneath 50% the Evoker Generates Essence (Y) % faster.

I think it needs 40 yards range, maybe toggle between different mode. And 25 yard with ability cast on movement


The range is definitely become more of an issue for Dev. Like look at Nymue for example, I either soak some flowers or dps the boss. It’s rare I can do both at the same time.

I don’t mind the range so much in m+ most of the time, but there are still enough situations where I’m forced out of range for a mechanic while the mage or hunter is still actively dpsing.

Also can we get that talent which reduced dmg taken while casting deep breath. Why in the world is that exclusive to Aug???

A fair few people seem to want firestorm back in play. I’m not one of those people unless it sees significant changes from what it is. If it’s retuned in it’s current state then please don’t force me to play it in terms of tuning.

I’d be keen to see them tweak the mastery further. I liked having an impactful mastery in early DF although i did not like the drop off in dmg as enemy health dips. It’s better now if a bit boring so I wouldn’t mind see them work on it a bit more in war within.


You say back in play like it was ever viable on anything other than one fight in season 1… Even if it were tuned to be much stronger in AoE, its placement makes it a non-starter because we’d still lose too much single target in any format that isn’t just a singular aoe fight like Council in VoI. It also needs significant mechanical improvements (aka have it behave like warrior ravager) to be considered.

Defy Fate, Spatial Paradox, Timelessness, and Stretch Time all need to move to the class tree imo.

This is largely a fight design issue and not an evoker design issue, though. I have had no problems on nymue soaking mid range (though I agree that the placement of the lines is troll af considering our range sits us right at the edge of a barrier.

I have zero problem with the range for the dps specs (though would like to see prescience get the 40 yd treatment for aug if not completely reworked for TWW). If range is given, I’d like to see it be a choice node that sacrifices mobility or damage to toggle 40yd range. It should be more a choice of taking a throughput hit for the flexibility of the extra range in certain circumstances, and not altogether eliminating the mid range/mobility playstyle for those that enjoy it and can perform well with it.

This should also be for Presto, Any flight should have this as a baked in passive


I think my one main change would to to Eternity Surge by making it work like Fire Breath, where you do not need a target to use it. I’ve had numerous times where the mob I am targeting dies before I can channel it for AoE.

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Another thing id add to Eternity surge, Leaping flames interacting with it.

I understand with other specs why it shouldnt, but with Devo it kinda wouldnt hurt

Wouldn’t really make sense to have this interaction since they’re different schools.

What would make sense and be cool, maybe for Scalecommander, would be to have eternity surge turn your next disintegrate into a mass disintegrate like sark, based on targets hit.

More range :frowning: They showed this season (and some of last) that they can’t/forgot about evokers range limitations so just drop the gimmick.


the fact you can be mid deep breath and then a frontal ends up being faced the way your going and now your in a unavoidable death is such a garbage design.

would love for this to. the amount of times ive had a mob die mid cast in a key stresses me out so bad.

and as everyone else has said the range needs to go to 40 like every other range in the game. this 25/30yd mid range experiment has obviously been a failure since even blizzard themself arent designing fights with this in mind anymore and its still the launch xpac for this class which is that time when the new class is suppose to be so op its broken.
would be nice to get more visage forms to since nobody seems to like the lazy ones we did get while also being able to stay in visage form while fighting so i can see my transmog. its amazing how transmog has become such a large part of the game but the newest race doesnt have any except for shoulders and belt and it doesnt split between visage and your lizzardboi form so your stuck having shoulders that either dont fit when you go lizzard or look weird in visage

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Was almost fully there in predicting this one :pinched_fingers:

Let’s be honest - there is a significant chance that, rather than predict this, you were actually the source of the idea. :rofl:

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Lol, as much as I’d like to claim it, I’m sure this was an idea before February.

I really wish they’d lean in and improve Eternity Surge as the single target/cleave empowerment spell that isn’t absolutely eclipsed by Fire Breath.

Scalecommander takes a good step forward with this, with eternity surge/mass disintegrate/iridescence and the fact that we’ll take charged blast in most content.

I do wish it hit a bit harder, though.

They can even balance it so it has fall off damage with target count, to juice it up in ST/2-3T while Fire Breath is our aoe empowerment spell.

I just really like the blue spell side of devastation and hope to see more support for it. Disintegrate with its procs is so gorgeous.

A blue/green or blue/bronze spec would look great.

Idk, it already sort of has a limited niche in terms of situations that you’d full charge it, I wouldn’t want to see that get even more limiting. I just feel like taking some power off of firebreath to make them both feel equally powerful would be nice.