Devastation Evokers and Identity (or lack thereof)

Currently as it stands, Evoker has two notable specializations that have their own theme and flavor to associate themselves with two brands of Dragon magic associated with them.

You have Augmentation, the spec released last patch focused on black and bronze magic that has the polarizing capability of increasing everyone’s damage towards ridiculous levels where the composition associated with it has accrued many nerfs against the classes involved.

Then you have Preservation, the healing specialization focused on green and bronze magic capable of duplicating their own healing effects and having access to a panic button that can save a raid in times of tumult and panic.

Both of these specializations are recognizable alone by their spell effects and presence they have in their roles.

But then there is also the third specialization that has been glanced over. A specialization that’s released at pre-patch of Dragonflight that combines two schools of magic and has… a role.

I’m talking about Devastation of course.

For a specialization that combines both Red and Blue magic of the flights, it’s unimaginably bland compared to the other two specs for Evoker. The most significant thing about it is just the raw damage it can put out on a good rotation but outside of that it just exists. It does not bring any sort of utility or have a significant ability that provides any sort of character to both flight magics it represents. The most you’ll see from these Evokers is a straight blue line that doesn’t say much about its capabilities.

A Devastation Evoker does not bring much to a party or a raid besides its damage alone and that kind of balance can be very fickle. It doesn’t help that the rotation is also rather slow overall in my opinion and not at all active as Augmentation.

If there was a chance that Devastation could get another lookover as to how this specialization can approach combat it would be rather welcome. The changes made in 10.1 were helpful in smoothing out the rotation but it did leave Deep Breath on thin ice in terms of its use. Even then your talent choices were fairly limited with Catalyze continuing to discourage anything higher than a level 1 Fire Breath.