Devastation evoker

How the hell do you beat one as an enhancement shaman?

I was in a BG Blitz and ran into one solo at a node.

He kited me most of the time, only casting living flame and disintegrate the entire fight. Felt like I was doing little damage to him.

Yea, I can destroy him with my spriest. But no clue with enhancement shaman.

Have you tried enhancing your abilities?

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Just gave up and decided to run away from them. Not worth the hassle. They are constantly moving out of reach of my totems, so counterstrike is pointless. And my damage isn’t bursty enough for the short duration of static field totem.

And countering them with windshear is pointless because their magic is in different schools. And windshear is only 2 seconds.

Anyway, best strategy is to just avoid them as enhancement. I’ll let the other classes that are meant to handle them do the job LOL.

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I’d have thought enhance would have a better kit to deal with them than most melee.
Ground eternity surge. Purge nul shroud. Shear disintegrate unless he has wall up with obsidian mettle talent. Earth grab and static field are pretty good at keeping them under control. I don’t really know how flexible enh pvp talents are, but unleash shield for another root is also good. Seasoned winds could seriously cripple their damage since most of it comes from one spell school and would be pretty easy to keep stacking. But also building to counter one spec isn’t really always a good option in BGs.
I think if you can just run and stall out obsidian scales then it’s probably in your favor. But that kinda depends on where you’re fighting them.
Hard to really say though since I basically never get to fight enh shaman in BGs.

Shear disintegrate if you can. It costs their secondary resource, and because it’s channeled they spend it whether they get a full channel or not. They get about 5 casts of it in their go, and are just at the mercy of RNG proccing essence burst to give them any more. I would say that evoker is probably one of the more kickable casters, outside their wall.

Probably an uphill battle either way. Dev is a beast.


Yea, nice strategy, but I do not use grounding totem. I probably should exchange it for burrow because I mainly use burrow for rogues. And grounding totem is useful versus a variety of classes, and on a shorter cooldown. But then I’ll be vulnerable to rogues and hunters which are much harder to avoid because of their stealth

In any case, I found it best to let other classes take them out. If I see an evoker while alone, I’ll just run the other way with my enhancement shaman and remember how easy it is to beat them with my spriest LOL.

maybe im wrong but i think deva evoker is prob one of the best specs in game for 1v1 atm

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Your Evoker was yummy :yum: