Well timed dispels on Dev Plague are hard counters to shadow priests. Currently healers at least eat a VT fear when they dispel, but good dps priest/pal/monk can remove it for free and now Hpals will be constantly removing with no penalty as well.
I’d like to see Dev Plague spread to either a nearby target or the dispelling player when removed from an ally. That fits in with the flavor of the spell and also gives the priest a chance to swap targets rather than lose all the damage of a core spell.
Definitely been an issue for me as well.
you if you have DP 9/10 you have vampiric touch. If not ur bad.
You have Dispel protection built into your class. Gtfo of here…
Nah, spriest is winning awc , they’re OP already.
I have litrrally never ran that one. The more damage and longer affects initial dam 2 and with 4 set. Awfully chunky.
A simple effect would be having it refund the insanity cost when it’s dispelled.
Aren’t there disease dispels on their own, without magic dispelling? Like from a non-healing monk or pal?
Yes there is. Sp. Ret. Ww and idk who else can all safely just dispel devour
Tbh VT dispel protection is a joke, it does nothing at all when your entire dmg/setup is gone, definitely need an update.
In arena it’s horrible to face priest/pal/monk heal cause they aoe remove everything on CD and without any effort.
Rbg it’s even more broken you dot the whole map then boom > revival/md/aoe dispel> everything gone for free.
Spriest is insanely strong atm and already has a powerful dispell protection effect. DP doesn’t need one as well.