Detheroc Horde Reconnections

i played alot of 19 twink back in the day. my character was UD rogue named Evenescent, i remember a warrior named Riggs

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Ages ago!! I forget the GMs name too, but I remember Grrrl, Mushyne, Kemler, Breezy, Moobitz, Portia, and so many more. Great times.

Beowullfe - Blood Elf Paladin

LF my old PVP friends or guys from EG, T K T :slight_smile:

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ah yes tkt tour in monterey mexico

Waffles, noooo! Not Alliance! Did Tace go AFK all those times for you to go over to the blue team?

I used to be in Suffer! Tauren Warrior Dizasterman.

Link! I used to duel you infront of Org. You hung out with me and this Druid Aleen!

I used to off tank for Suffer back during BWL days.

pyropants here, you guys got discord?

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so many memories

Ramp/Mage - Cthulhu Dawn
Reramp/Pally - Core

im alliance on Grobbulus at the moment!

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yea, i miss vood, i still play with krine!!! hes great dude! BUT i just remembered what my paladins name was it was “Bloodie” back then when i was in core!!

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i was in core with you back in the day as “bloodie” holy paladin , with u,vood,krine.

lindaron my boy this is darth bro remember “come at me bro” how you been

Reeka, Undead Warlock. I don’t remember what Guilds I was in back in Classic.

You would come back for classic xD

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Looking for Troll Hunter named Lubby on Detheroc she hasn’t played since TBC but known her since Vanilla want to see if she still plays I had a Hunter named Darkmay if you see this Lubby wanted to know if youd like to play Classic with me

I remember you! Mokale/Malkav here. Zornn, Atra, Pix, Mercy, Top, Adrek, and everyone else in Serpentera.

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Whitewind here :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

I played an undead rogue. Name was Razaile. Pretty sure I was in Serpentera.

Anyone from LIFE ON HOLD here?? Or whatever guild we merged into…
