Detheroc Horde Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Detheroc (US) in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

  • Your character’s name, race and class.
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!


Any of my old fellow guildmates from Suffer going to play classic? I played Tauren Shaman named Showvanist and undead Rogue named Hiruko but went by the name of Smokey in Vent.


I havent been back by in a while but to my knowledge Suffer still exists and there are lots of familiar faces everytime ive stopped in. Im rolling alliance this time around.


Wow Motw! I remeber playing with you! I had no idea the guild was still around… i just assumed since we stop raiding before BC the guild members left and transferred off


Damarsvolta Undead Mage in the guild Serpentera.

I’m sorry i dont remember everyone’s name but i do remember Zornn Atra and Pix.

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I used to have a blast raiding mc ony and zg with you guys. I was the mage class “leader” at one point.

I remember i missed a zg raid and the turtle poly book dropped and you guys saved it and gave it to me when there were other mages in the group. That ment alot to me at the time. I dont know why i still remember it.

Everyone transfered to Haomarosh when bc came out I remember raiding Gruul but i dont think I ever got far into SSC. I know we did it but i dont remember any Vashj kills.

I cant post links but my hd from that time died along time ago. I found an old screen shot from Hikareutto online just serach for serpentera detheroc with google. I remember 90% of you guys oh what a time to be alive.

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Unfortunately I doubt I will be playing classic but I thought this thread is a good opportunity to say hey to any old Valen members that potentially could check in. Lots of good memories and good times with you guys. Used to be Kakashi - Orc Rogue


Griznack. Troll Rogue.

Emer. Undead priest.

Looking for the old Resurrection or Bitter Angels crew: Thuryn, Sanea, Tardor et al.

Storung and myself may be popping back into Classic.

Ryustar. Undead Warrior
Just looking for some old pvp buddies :slight_smile:

Omg motw i didnt know you was still around !

Yea suffer is still alive… and the gm named justus streams raids also !

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U may remember me more as dripz idk though !

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Last raided/played with End Guys during Lich King and Ruby Sanctum (2009?) as Imos. Ran with Theory as shadow priest (Crackerjaxx) for awhile in Sunwell before Charter screwed me. Dabbling in retail, but it isnt the same.


Waffles!! Roll horde with us!!!

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Hello! My name is Fable from the guild CORE! I was an amazing beautiful skilled Warrior on this server. I will be starting a new guild in Classic. No SJWs/Antifia/Bernie Bros. Message me!
Adult 21+

Ah, good ol d-roc. Probably asking for trouble posting much more, so I’mma stop here.


it is i, thebullman. fearless warrior

well, well, well. look what the cat dragged in

I just can’t do Hot key based MMOs anymore, but if like Mahjohnson, or Seizethecarp, or whoever else is in here, It’s Renoxis. feel free to drop me a line