Detheroc Horde Reconnections

Hai. I recognize so many of these names…

I used to be a bit of a sh*thead so i’d imagine a bunch of you probably don’t like me, thats fair, but I luvv uuuuu
My crew is running is thinking of starting on Fairbanks - but after seeing so many detheroc natives running elsewhere i’m starting to reconsider.

^ wait wrong character

If anyone wants to add me hmu!

Corindrathl - Forsaken Rogue. Honestly I do not remember the guild(s) I was in. LMK if you remember me though. :slight_smile:

Yooo, do you remember raiding Karazhan with an enhance shaman, Vulgan?! I dropped that WF totem all day homie :smiley:

Recalx ud rogue used to be in core and end guys

Funny story:
A while back I got this book as a gift that was about raiding in WoW Classic days. When I started reading, I started to see some familiar names and, lo and behold, the author was freaking Ghando from T K T. Title was “Blood Plagues and Endless Raids” if you want to look it up.

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I wonder if Tocktock is still around >:o

I remember you ontheroxorz I was in end guys solarian pally tank.

OMG i remember you dead. lol yeah you were a bit of a sh*t head but i think that’s just something everyone is at some point. lol. no hard feelings here.

My memory is awful, so I don’t really remember your name, but if you twinked on Detheroc with that Rogue back in the day, we definitely played against each other. I had a 19 Gnome Rogue “Tyromebigums” and 19 Nelf Hunter “Bawlin”.

OMMMMGGG THEEEE BULLMANN!! i havent seen you in for ever!

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i miss killerbx!

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A big group of us from < Plagued > will be rolling horde on Fairbanks.

Herod is going to be a nightmare with the high pop and queues.

Pyledriver - Mage
Eaeinae - Priest
Bevo - Shaman
Boddington - Druid
Toadie - Priest

Maybe a couple others. Cheers!

Oh boy, oh boy

To be young again…

Petitpain Undead Frost mage in Black Death Union

Falzone- Undead mage Played with suffer,tkt, end guys. Seen quite a few familiar names from suffer and others posting. add me Falzone#1384

I used to play with you, Bevo and Toadie <3

wollom i raided with you in core… i dont know which toon i played on but maybe my paladin named savannah or somthing

Theevilcure, UD Priest. Used to be in Sons of Hellscream and Psychosocial. Would love to chat and play with any of my old guildies or if you recall playing with me in PVP.